Our founder, Fred Jacobs, offers insights into the latest trends in broadcasting and digital media.

First I Look At The Purse
When the going gets tough, the tough find reveneue somewhere.
These days, radio’s directors of sales have to creatively divine money wherever they can – even in unconventional places. But when you’ve got ample audience in unpopular demographics, you’d better make the best of a challenging situation. A very popular brand you all know has launched a slick media campaign unashamedlly targetting mature adults. If they’re right, there will be important lessons here for radio broadcasters.
Read MoreRadio’s Game Theory
Playing the ratings and revenue game has become precarious for radio in 2024 – whether you work for commercial or public radio stations. In an environment where ad dollars are increasingly hard to come by and the competition seems to be expanding exponentiallly, radio organizations need innovative solutions to traditional challenges. The answer may be puzzling in more ways than one. But, of course, that’s the game we’re playing. (Click “read more” to escape from my lame puns.)
Read MoreRadio’s Perception vs. Reality Problem
The relationship between perception and reality is a very familiar one to most radio veterans. And new data from our recently released Techsurvey 2024 reveal a gap between radio’s perceived and actual weekly reach. Today’s post takes a deep dive into broadcast radio’s challenge to tell its story as the media environment gets congested with even more choices. As radio struggles to fight for listeners and ad dollars, this equation becomes more critically important.
Read More“The One Thing” About Techsurvey 2024
Yesterday’s industry presentation of Techsurvey 2024 seemed to be the right data at the right time. But to get a sense from YOU about what stood out, I asked webinar attendees to tell me their “one thing” takeaway from the study. The response was excellent, as you’ll read in today’s post.
Read MoreCan AI Create “New” Classic Rock Songs?
Technology has come a long way in recent years, but there’s no better example of its power, potential, and exploitation than AI – Artificial Intelligence. Today’s #TBT post was originally written three years ago. And even back then, the technology was being used to create Classic Rock sounding songs, mimicking dead artists. How far we’ve come.
Read MoreOnward Christian Radio
Ratings have always been a key barometer that explains the health of formats, and to a degree, broadcast radio itself. That’s why a deeper look at ratings for the last month or last year is instructive and telling. It’s been hard to miss the unmistakable rise of Christian radio – not just in some markets, but as a national trend. Today’s blog talks about why this is happening and what it may mean for all of radio.
Read MoreThree Stories From The Techsurvey Trenches
On Thursday, I have the pleasure of presenting the top-line findings of Techsurvey 2024 to the radio industry. This year, 31,800+ core listeners weighed in on media, technology, AI, and of course, their perceptions of AM/FM radio. This is our 20th survey, and perhaps one of the most revealing and actionable. In today’s post, I broke down three current media stories in the news, and integrated corresponding TS 24 data to help bring them into focus for broadcasters. At this precarious time for radio, we need numbers and findings we can rely on. Let’s try to figure it out together.
Read MoreToday’s Song Lyrics: Getting Dumb And Dumber?
Are you the kind of person who focuses on the music, the lyrics, or both about equally? If you’ve been paying attention to those words and not just the melodies, you may have noticed song lyrics have gotten simpler and more repetitive during the past several years. And now a major research study confirms exactly that. Another problem with song lyrics is that listeners often have problems understanding them, and today’s blog post looks at why we may be seeing the correct lyrics showing up in our car dashboards very soon.
Read MoreGet Your Free Radio Ads? Take It To the Bank!
Banks are always running promotions, trying to lure us into opening new accounts. Usually, they offer up toasters as thank-you gifts, or other small kitchen appliances. But now a regional bank is dangling a can’t-miss incentive: free radio campaigns on a top-rated local station to support small businesses in the community. The bank thinks it will generate new business accounts, while supporting hometown companies. Hit “read more” for the details on this clever campaign that could work anywhere.
Read MoreYou’ve Got A Face For Radio
Putting a face on your brand – that is, defining your “typical listener” – is a great exercise for stations big and small. In today’s #TBT post, we look at how one retailer is approaching that goal in an effort to engage its customer base, as well as help its marketing efforts. In an era of Big Data, it’s a plus to be able to visualize your P1 and P2 listeners and as you’ll read, it starts with a station’s email database.
Read More2024 Could (Should?) Be A Good Year For Radio
As the credits being to roll here in Las Vegas, brother Paul Jacobs – the glass-half-full-one – grabs the keyboard to find not only a bright side, but a strategy for the months ahead in what has already proved to be a challenging year. Time to turn those frowns upside-down with an inspirational guest post.
Read MoreWhat’s Your Radio Station’s Response To AI?
Dateline: The NAB in Las Vegas
The scene: The bar in both the Encore and Wynn (you can’t tell ’em apart) is teaming with radio’s C-suite executives, hangers-on, job seekers, and a lot of tourists wondering what the fuss is all about.
The big topic: AI, what else?
Calling All Stans
When it comes to radio, there’s often a fine line between a fan…and a fanatic. But what about “stans?” Who are these hardcore fans, and how can radio stations harness their passion and enthusiasm? For inspiration on a Monday, let’s turn to one of the most accomplished rappers since the genre began. If anyone understands the “stan” mindset, Eminem sure does.
Read MoreWhen Did Radio Stop Advertising?
We always hear “Radio needs to do a better job tellling its story.” But where would the creative come from and how could broadcasters pay for it – especially in this economy? OK, here’s some back of the napkin math for you.
Read MoreDoes Your Radio Station Give Listeners “The Feels?”
Radio programmers are always seeking to make a true emotional connection with their audience. It’s about creating “the feels” for your listeners. But how do you accurately identify precisely what that is, and how to reflect it back to your listeners? We take on that lofty challenge in today’s #TBT blog post. You may need a little Kleenex.
Read MoreDo You Quu In Your Car?
If you’re a regular reader of JacoBLOG, you know the car dashboard is ever-changing. And because there’s so little standardization across automakers, you need a guide to be able to determine how dashboards in the most popular makes and models are equipped. And now there is one. Quu has just released its first annual visuals report of the top 100 best-selling cars. It’s an amazing piece of work that provides programmers, marketers, sellers, and digital pros the guidance they need to optimize the car dashboard. I break it all down for you in today’s post. So buckle up, and let’s go for a ride.
Read MoreWhat About Public Radio’s Muscle Memory?
Yesterday, it was a post about commercial radio and regaining its muscle memory. As I teased in the post, there’s much to be said – and debated – about the state of public radio, also at an infection point. It does have amazing DNA, great bones. But can it find those values…again?
Read MoreHas Radio Lost Its Muscle Memory (And How To Get It Back)?
Last week, a couple posts published here ignited the usual side-taking about radio’s present and future. We heard from the doom-sayers, claiming FM music radio ended a while ago. And of course, the eternal optimists chimed in, with claims about radio’s long tradition and resilience. Today’s post won’t end the debate, but perhaps will add a new wrinkle that leads to a constructive conversation about commercial music radio’s options moving forward. Happy Monday.
Read MoreWhat Does A Total Eclipse Sound Like On The Radio?
On Monday, a fascinating experiment is about to happen on the radio – the Total Eclipse, visible to 99% of Americans. How will radio play it? Just another day or something truly fun, special, and different?
Read MoreAI, Meet AM/FM
I wrote this blog blurg exactly five years ago this month: “As the media world’s AI machines increasingly serve up predictable content, based on our personal data, broadcast radio has the challenge and the opportunity of creating content that surprises, enchants, and delights. And it may boil down to just one little word.” Let’s see whether this old post contained some wisdom we can apply to our challenges today. Happy Thursday!
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