Thankfully (ha ha), today’s post is one of those once-in-a-blue moon events.
That’s because you don’t receive an honor like the NAB’s National Radio Award every day. In fact, you could work hard your entire career and not receive this type of recognition.
So, tonight at the NAB’s Marconi Awards yours truly and brother Paul will take the stage and accept this wonderful honor. And we’re doing it with a great sense of gratitude and humility. A look back at past honorees is a bit daunting. On that list are people in the radio business we admire, look up to, and respect greatly. Some of have been our mentors. And our friends. And it’s more than a little humbling to join them.
The other cool thing is that the NAB is giving it to both of us. That means the world to us because our accomplishments over nearly four decades have been shared. Paul and I have turned out to be great partners – I’m the programming guy, he’s sales. And together, we have experienced more than we ever could have imagined when we each broke into the business back in the 70’s.
At the Marconi’s (neither of us ever won one while working for a station), we will take the stage in front of the entire radio industry, and do our best to be deserving of this accolade.
And here’s the challenge:
We only have 4 minutes between the two of us before the violins are fired up and we’re given the hook. We understand the need to be brief, be brilliant, and be gone.
After all, there’s a lot of people to thank. You don’t receive an honor like this without a lot of help, support, and frankly, luck. I can’t necessarily explain the last part, but believe me when I tell you we have a LOT of people to thank. And we could take up the entire four minutes doing just that.
But we have some things we want to say, and so if it’s OK with you, we’re going to do our best to thank a lot of people, companies, and organizations here in this post. We’re not going to name a lot of names. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. And I’m afraid that inadvertently and unknowingly, we may do just that. So here goes…
Let’s start with the team at Jacobs Media, past and present. We’ve always been about being an organization. I wasn’t a one-man band for long. It wouldn’t have worked. I have tried hard to hire to my weaknesses – and it’s worked pretty well. So if you’re a current employee or you spent any time putting up with me, thank you. We’ve had a remarkable run. That includes Jacobs bro #3, Bill, the late Tim Davis, Keith Cunningham, Mike Stern, Lori Lewis, Seth Resler, Ralph Cipolla, Jason Hollins, and many other brilliant, quirky folks who took a chance on working for me, and later, Paul. And everything Lisa Riker, Elnora Lowe, and Joyce Koja put up with us.
Both of us started our adventures at Michigan State in the TV Radio Department (renamed Telecommunication while we still there). And that Union Building rat pack set the tone for our entire careers. A lot of truly great and talented people earned their chops in studios A, B, and C. Jim Respress, Larry Estlack, and Gary Reid were especially influential and supportive, but scores of hungry young people went on to great careers out of those MSU roots.
I eventually convinced the upper regions at the Frank Magid company in Marion, Iowa to hire me. It wasn’t easy. I blew the first two interviews, and barely made the staff on my “charmed” third attempt. The folks I worked with there – like Dallas Murphy Miller – taught me a lot about how to do research and how to run a business. The fact that people like Jon Coleman, Bill Moyes, Bruce Fohr and others later started their own successful research companies tells you all you need to know about this boot camp in the corn fields of Iowa that turned out some pretty sharp people.
Then came our ABC Radio family. And this is where Paul and I met again – eventually, me as PD and him as an account exec. (You can only imagine.) I got to work alongside some of the best and brightest in radio. Tom Bender and Jay Hoker hired me. A couple years later, the late Marty Greenberg moved me to New York City to do research for the company’s owned FM stations with legendary PDs like John Gehron, Tom Yates, Tommy Hadges, Larry Berger, and others. From the personalities to the support staff to the management team, WRIF and ABC was a seminal career moment for me and Paul. The fact that WRIF celebrated 50 years as Detroit’s rock station last year, and continues to lead the market in ratings to this day tells you a lot about the dynasty the station has become. And yes, they eventually nabbed a Marconi a few years ago. Thanks to Greater Media and the Beasley’s, we still play a dotted-line role at the station.
Then there was the Classic Rock phenomenon. Truth to be told, if it wasn’t for owner/manager Bob Ottaway and PD Jeff Crowe, I wouldn’t be on that stage tonight. Bob owned a Class A, WMMQ, licensed to Charlotte (Shar-LOT), Michigan outside of Lansing. Yes, you probably know the storybook tale of the format. MMQ exploded (it’s still in format today, now owned by Townsquare), and I quickly signed on stations in a whole lot of markets. Tom Bender and I collaborated on the format, and thanks to owners like Jay Hoker (Kansas City, Cincy), Greater Media (LA and Detroit), Metroplex (Cleveland, Charlotte, Jacksonville), Infinity (Philly, NYC, Atlanta), Cox (Chicago), and a host of others, it grew FAST.
I benefitted from having the format rolling in so many markets. As new programmers took the helm, exciting new innovations, features, and promotions were developed – many of which are still on the air on many Classic Rock stations. Thanks to all those PDs from the present and the past – we learned from each other, and continue to do so. Bill Weston, David Moore, Keith Hastings, Larry McFeelie, Scott Jameson, Bob Bellini, and SO many others over the years.
Alternative (OK, it was called Modern Rock in the mid-80’s) happened thanks to John Lynch, Norm Feuer, and “Mad Max” Tolkoff at Noble in San Diego. Yup, 91X. A couple years later, we launched the Edge format, and had a great run. A lot of broadcasters took a shot on us and a format that was a perennial 2-share in a lot of markets. Thanks to Tom Calderone and Dave Beasing, in particular, we had some great moments, and there are still Edge stations out there today. (Yes, we own the service mark.)
We had some great relationships with a number of great radio companies. In the early years, Metroplex, Greater Media, Infinity, Saga (more on them later), Cox, Granum, and others. In recent years, Beasley and Hubbard have been standout clients.
Execs like Mel Karmazin, Norm Wain, Bob Weiss, Peter Smyth, Nick Trigony, Bob Neal, Herb McCord, and David Field taught us business – and life – lessons. These days, it’s Caroline Beasley, Ginny Morris, and Steve Newberry keeping us (mostly) honest. I have respect, loyalty, and empathy for them all.
We also have been blessed to watch some of the greatest radio personalities of all time ply their craft. Among them, Howard Stern, Bob & Tom, John Boy & Billy, Lex & Terry, Drew & Mike, Dave & Chuck the Freak, J.J. & the Morning Crew, The Mens Room, B.J. & Migs, Tommy & the Bull, Bob & Brian, Dave & Carole, John Holmberg, Preston & Steve, Sherman & Tingle, Mark Thompson, along with solo gunslingers like Brother Wease, Rick Rumble, Iris Harrison, Pierre Robert, Ken Calvert, Arthur Penhallow, Bob Stroud, Jacky Bambam, and Phil Hendrie.
The MTV/Vh1 days were a whirlwind. Steve Goldstein first introduced me to MTV research whiz, Steve Seidmon, and later, Marshall Cohen. I worked with various teams at 1515 Broadway, including Lee Masters. You know him now as the great Jarl Mohn, who among other things, ran NPR just a few years ago. Calderone left us to work for MTV, ended up running Vh1, and brought us back into the company in the 2000’s.
Our public radio run started with a bang in the late 9o’s, thanks to Larry Rosin recommending us to Mark Fuerst, and finally, the late Rick Madden who ran the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We got a nifty grant – its mission in 1998: to help public radio understand the growth of digital and tech to map out its future. That project opened our eyes to the possibilities, and we haven’t stopped running in that direction.
From there, NPR hired us for a nice long run of programming and consulting, thanks in no small part to the belief Jackie Nixon and Jay Kernis had in us. We have loved every second of our involvement in public radio. We’ve been fortunate to work with some of the smartest people in radio in both mega and small markets. We’ve learned a lot serving on public radio boards – me at PRPD (Public Radio Program Directors) and Paul on Greater Public (public radio’s version of the RAB).
Speaking of which, we’ve had fascinating and fruitful relationships with the NAB and RAB. Leadership that includes Gordon Smith. Curtis LeGeyt, Steve Newberry, April Carty-Sipp, and Josh Miely, at the former, and Erica Farber and her troops at the latter. And we’ve worked closely with their great teams over the years.
We’ve also enjoyed collaboration with Arbitron over the years. Dr. Ed Cohen doubled down on us for our two ethnographic studies, “The Bedroom Project” (2007) and “Goin’ Mobile” (2010), both of which became NAB Super Sessions, amazing exposure for our company at the Radio Show.
Our foray in Christian music radio started with Tim Davis connecting with Michelle Younkman, a relationship that has only grown over the years. We’ve met amazing broadcasters along the way.
The jacapps story is an interesting one. Thanks again to Tim, we launched our mobile app company about 100 days after Steve Jobs opened his now-famous (and insanely profitable) App Store in July of 2008. More than 1,300 apps later (mostly for radio) on both the iOS and Android platforms, the company continues to break ground. It’s not an easy business. Paul ran it for several years before Bob Kernen took over as COO, supported by Kate and Ben Levy, and a collection of really smart young people.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the mercurial Ed Christian, CEO of Saga Communications, who passed away earlier this year. Ed played an important role for both Paul and me. He gave Paul his first sales job in radio at WNIC in Detroit. And when I resigned from WRIF in ’83 to go find what was next, Ed hooked me up with research projects at his stations, later encouraging me to go into business for myself. Sadly, our relationship faltered over the past decade, and we lost touch with one another. We owe him a debt of gratitude.
I need to mention the trades, where we thankfully show up with regularity. I had another consultant ask me a number of years ago if we had a PR firm helping promote the company. I explained to him we get a lot of ink because we do stuff – all the time. But we have Ed Ryan and Deborah Parenti at Radio Ink, Paul Heine and Gene McKay at Inside Radio, Paul McLane at Radio World, and the enigmatic Joel Denver at All Access who convinced me to take our Techsurvey out to all formats several years ago – one of the best decisions we ever made. I’m leaving out others, but thank you all for helping Paul and me tell our story.
Don Anthony from Talentmasters/Jockline Daily has been a great partner, first with his Morning Show Boot Camps, and in recent years with our AQ studies among radio personalities.
Our ventures in automotive started at Ford and CES. At the former, it was the charismatic Scott Burnell and and the bombastic John Ellis, Joe D’Angelo and Bob Strubel from iBiqiuty and later Xperi, and Gary Shapiro at CTA/CES who got us on this important road. Roger Lanctot was a big influence on us, too. And it was all Bill Hendrich‘s idea.
One of the weird things about running our own company all these years is there’s no one telling us when we’re screwing up. But we’ve had an ad hoc “kitchen cabinet” advising us (or beating us up) – Buzz Knight, Steve Goldstein, Tom Bender, Alan Burns, Dave Beasing, Pierre Bouvard, Tim Sabean, Dave Richards, Steve Schram, Scott Westerman, Alan Burns, Ruth Presslaff, Joyce MacDonald, Abby Goldstein, Haley Jones, and others have gladly accepted their unpaid “board seats.” Paul and I know we can call on them at any time to tell us we’ve lost our minds.
Our families come last on this list, but they’re first in our hearts. Our wives, our kids, our cardiologists, and of course, our mom, and our late dad, Sidney R. They’ve all put up with a lot over the years. We couldn’t have done this without them.
It will take you well more than four minutes to read this. And a lot of great people who have supported and helped us are unnamed here. If you’re one of them – and there are hundreds – please forgive the omission and know that Paul and I appreciate what you’ve done for us.
It’s been an amazing career ride, and we’re thrilled to have met so many great people along the way.
Happily, there are more chapters to be written.
- Under The Influence(rs) - March 14, 2025
- Radio’s Dilemma: Trump Or Get Trumped - March 13, 2025
- What About Bob? - March 12, 2025
Fred and Paul- congratulations on this well deserved and prestigious award! Enjoy the moment!
A well deserved recognition for all you both do for those of us in the trenches in this crazy business. Wish I was there to see it in person!
All the best to you, Paul and everyone at Jacobs!
See you at the Conclave in June?
Congratulations on yet another much deserved recognition. Your contributions to this industry, and being a big part of the many phases of an on-going evolution, has made the audio medium and many of us better as broadcasters. Thank you!
Thank you for always providing THE Best!
Congratulations Fred & Paul – you absolutely deserve this honor and recognition, and I’m proud to have worked a bit with you as well!
Well deserved. Congrats on the award and many more years of success.
Gentlemen, Congratulations!
Well deserved!!! Congratulations from all of us at Powell Broadcasting in Sioux City. It’s been a pleasure working with you!
Fred and Paul-
Congrats on this esteemed and well-deserved honor. Thanks for the years of guidance, support, and wisdom.
Congratulations! Well deserved.
Congrats Fred and Paul, I appreciate the mention.
I am so fortunate to have worked with Jacobs Media. I am a better programmer because of it. Reading your thank you blog, Fred, reminds me of the expansive, positive impact on so many facets of the industry and even more individuals you and Paul have had. Congratulations on a much deserved honor/ recognition.
Congrats on a well deserved honor! And thank YOU for this blog and everything you do to educate, educate and encourage the business to move forward. I know I’m not the only person who appreciates your daily contribution to our business.
If I could, I’d be there to stand and clap hard for you both. I’d also be shouting at the orchestra to stop trying to play you off the stage!
Nice to have had the chance to work with thoughtful folks like you for awhile on the wild ride. Thanks for helping me get that chance.
Ya know being dubbed “Radio’s Best Friend” by Scott Shannon, way back in the mid-80’s, is both an honor and a curse. As you guys know, I’ve recorded, on video, a plethora of both of your appearances at R&R Conventions, Talk Radio Seminars, The Worldwide Radio Summits, The Conclave, Morning Show Boot Camps, and many others. Oh yeah, and that Radio HOF surprise party including your Mom! I love you both, and all I ask is that you accept my long standing invitation to visit my house (aka The Local Radio Museum). Wish I could be there in New York. Mega kudos and I hope a video of your entire 4 minutes will be posted for all of us to enjoy!!!
CONGRATS!! Well-deserved!!!
And to think… I knew and worked with you both when……
Honors are well deserved. Fred, Paul -and the entire company gets kudos for a job well-done. Thanks for keeping us on our toes. Enjoy the honors.
If I can promote the $1000 song of the day in :08, you can do your speeches in 4 minutes 😉
All kidding aside, bravo and congrats to you both!
Congratulations Fred, and many thanks for your help and support over the years.
Congrats on a well deserved honor. From the trenches, you and Paul, you insights, knowledge and caring mentorship were invaluable to me. They made me a lot of money while paying personal and career dividends long after our professional relationship ended. And while the likes of Mel Karmazin were demanding your attention and resources, you always had time for me.
I’ll think of you and Paul tonight – and I’ll be I won’t be alone.
You guys have always given more to the industry and the people in it than you’ve asked or taken in return.
Congratulations on your richly deserved award, and thank you for being good friends and great resources to me along the way.
No, thank YOU.
Congrats from the peanut gallery, Fred and Paul. You’ve done more than anyone to give us hope for the medium we love.
Nice to be included on the thank you list. You certainly help me over the years!
Congrats to you two. Must be nice to work with your kin folk. Best to you.
Congratulations! I can think of very few people who have done more for the industry, and especially for the people who you’ve worked with. You’ve made us all better broadcasters, whether you were going over an aircheck or writing a blog post. It’s about time you got this kind of recognition.
Sweet! Now try to PPM-it 😉
So well deserved! Proud to work with you both on many aspects of radio. Not that they’ll do this to you with such a prestigious award but be prepared. When I accepted our third Crystal Award, they told me 3 minutes… when I got to the ceremony, they said I had :30 seconds. Good luck! Love you both.
What a great honor roll of people to thank, Fred. We all depend on the connections and friendships we make to continue to be successful and both you and Paul have certainly made a lot of those.
The honor is well deserved and I add my congratulations to you both.
Congrats to you Fred, Paul and the entire Jacobs family. So incredibly well deserved! A sincere thank you from me for all of your wisdom, advice and leadership over the years. You have helped so many over the years. Cheers and congratulations! All the best, Gil
Much appreciated, Gil. It is great to celebrate this with friends and colleagues.
Almost lost an index finger trying to scroll to the bottom of these comments! Speaks volumes to the contribution you and Paul have made to the business we love. But even more so, to the many, many friends you’ve made in the process. So happy to be among them. Well done boys!
Back at you, my friend. We have enjoyed the journey, made ever richer by quality people like you, Rick.
Fred, I knew there was something special about you when I met you so long ago when you were at Magid. It has been my pleasure to work with you and Paul in various incarnations over the years. You have been solid rocks of wisdom, ethics, guidance, and just plain fun during that time. And I was lucky to be in the audience when Fred was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame where I finally got to meet your mom! I’m so happy to see the both of you recognized and rewarded for your service to the industry. May there be many more awards in your future!
So touched to hear from you Corinne. Thankfully, we didn’t have to content with a snow storm last night in NYC. You are one of the truly nicest people in radio, and we value our relationship over the years. Many thanks.
We’ve never met but I’ve listened to some of the stations you’ve worked with.
On that note, congrats!
Appreciate that, but the accolades should go to the programmers on the front lines. Thanks for commenting.
So wish I could be there in person to cheer you both on! Now you have to find some additional space in the trophy room. Thrilled for both of you and appreciate all you continue to do to make us all smarter and better broadcasters. I truly value our friendship and appreciate the partnership for oh so many of these years. You guys ROCK!!!!!
We are so grateful for our partnership & friendship throughout the years, in good and bad times. Hope you’re doing well, and thanks for the kind thoughts.
A VERY big deal and very deserved…congratulations (and thanks !
Thanks to you, Tom, for mentoring me during those turbulent first few years. Meant a lot & still does.
Congratulations to you both! We all appreciate the knowledge you’ve brought to the industry over the years. Here’s to many more!…
Appreciate it, Fred!
What a career and still going strong! Fred, you inspired me early in my career and your demeanor and wisdom had a lasting influence. So, big congratulations and thanks!!
Your opened some important doors for me, Steve. Always thankful.
Congratulations Gentlemen! Perfect choice for the honor!!
Appreciate it, Pat.
What can I say that hasn’t been said above? Congratulations to you both on a well-deserved honor. We may never have met–though I hope that might change one day–but this blog is like getting a chance to visit with a friend everyday. And for that I thank you, and wish you and your brother and all your team continued success.
Back at you, Dave. Thanks for being one of the “regulars.” Always great to hear from you.
So well-deserved by you and the Jacobs Media family. Congratulations, Fred, Paul and everyone!
Many thanks, Jack. I remember meeting you during those South Central days. All the best!
It’s been a wild ride Fred but it was your years of experience before MMQ that made it work. The fact that it EXPLODED is a testament to you and Paul. Hearty congrats!!!
Thank you, Bob.
Fred, I am very grateful to have met you through the internet to enrich my knowledge with your experiences and teachings.
I hope to meet you one day in person.
In the meantime, many congratulations on this well-deserved recognition for you and your brother!
Thank you, Tito. I feel the same.