You have to hand it to Steve Jobs. While many execs would simply milk the Purple Cow that is the iPod, Jobs gets the joke that you have to keep innovating or you fall behind. Even the purple-est cows turn brown over time.
Witness the recent roll out of the new iPod Nano, which effectively replaces the Mini (that WAS fast!). Or the new cell phone project with Motorola & Cingular – the ROKR. For only $250, you can buy one of these phones that melds cell technology with iTunes – a concept that’s going to be with us for a long time to come. And of course, the phone’s storage ability will only grow as Apple/Motorola roll out new and improved versions.
And in a music environment where Hip-Hop makes all the noise, wouldn’t a ROCK station want to give away a cool new phone/toy/mp3 player called the "ROCKER?" At only $250 a pop? Going into the fall book? Just asking.
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