“When fans move with the musicians, there’s no reason that advertising shouldn’t move with them.”

That’s a profound statement that somehow has never permeated sales cubicles anywhere I’ve been involved in radio with gold-based formats.

And then Jean Statler, executive director of the Alliance for Lifetime Income, echoed that observation:

“(Stones fans are) not huge investors with really a lot of money; they are the middle class. They are people who have worked hard and accumulated some savings and may have the benefit of living longer than they had ever planned, and realize they may not have enough savings to last that life span.”

For the Stones, there’s no shame in going after these advertising and marketing dollars, while most radio salespeople representing formats like Classic Rock and Classic Hits wouldn’t be caught dead putting together sales pieces touting their 50+ audience demographics.

Yet, that’s where the money is going – or has gone.  But if you work in radio, you know there’s a different reality, known as the “demographic cliff.”  That’s what happens to audiences that “age out” of the coveted 25-54 demographic.  The way conventional wisdom works in the radio business is that stations with significant listenership at 55 years of age or older, your brand is simply not marketable or salable to advertisers.

But there are some in radio who aren’t sitting still for this.  In a compelling new presentation put together by KQRS programmer, Scott Jameson, he points out some important facts about aging demographics.  Scott quotes Forbes story that points out that Americans over 50 account for $7.6 trillion in direct spending – that’s more than 80% of household wealth.  And in the same deck, Merrill Lynch predicts global spending of 60+ consumers will reach the $15 billion mark by 2020.  Last time I checked, that’s two quarters from now.

It’s crazy when you think that it was the Stones that once preached “What a drag it is getting old.” And now, they’re reaping the financial benefits from a sponsor that’s converted another of its famous lyrics to create their new slogan:

“You can get what you want when you have an annuity.”

Not artful, but it makes its point.

Rolling Stones Annuity Website