Our own Tim Davis is a man of varied interests, one of which is his curiousity about the world outside of the U.S. As a result, he is a subscriber to National Geographic, and recently received the email invitation included below.
Note the language: the promise to find out about events before other readers, and the promise that his opinions will be heard and considered. And of course, there’s the incentive of a cool trip. They have even "peopletized" the email – not showing giraffes or volcanoes, but the pictures of readers. All of this should look and sound very familiar to Jacobs Media clients.
Yes, National Geographic has to worry about their "cume" – or broad circulation – but they’re also wise to consider their loyal core – or P1s – readers like Tim who are smart, tuned-in, and will undoubtedly be able to provide them with valuable feedback. Like loyal readers, Tim is enthusiastic about helping National Geographic build a better product.
Smart, smart, smart.

Dear National Geographic Reader:
We would like to extend you a personal invitation to join the National Geographic Magazine reader panel. By participating in this panel, you will join a select group of National Geographic readers from all over the country that will among the first to hear about National Geographic events and promotions in your area.
As a member, you will receive email survey invitations approximately every 4-6 weeks that will explore your thoughts and give a voice to your opinions on a variety of subjects that are important to National Geographic and select marketing partners. By joining the National Geographic reader panel you will also have a chance to win a trip for 4 to National Geographic headquarters in Washington, DC and receive a rare, behind the scenes tour of the society and the magazine you love.
Please visit www.ngmreaderpanel.com and sign up today and be eligible to win a trip to National Geographic Headquarters!
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
The Staff at National Geographic.
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