For our next round of results from this year’s Tech Survey III, we took a deeper look at iPods and mp3 players. Our Tech Survey III study consisted of over 25,000 interviews among Rock listeners from nearly 70 radio stations across the U.S. It’s the most extensive study of its kind. (We recently released Satellite Radio results you can look at here.)
iPods show no signs of stopping. Last year, our Tech Survey II showed that the growth of personal mp3 players was far from over. This year’s study confirms that this phenomenon continues to have lots of life, and we expect strong growth throughout ’07.
Since this poll was started in February ’05, year-to-year personal mp3 player penetration has steadily increased. From the ’06 to ’07 studies, ownership is up to 47% of the Rock sample, an impressive jump of 34%. And among Alternative listeners, two-thirds (67%) now own an iPod-like device.
The study asked those who still don’t own one of these devices if they intend to do so in 2007. Nearly half (45%) of these iPod-less respondents say they are very or somewhat likely to take the plunge. One in ten (12%) has a strong likelihood to buy one sometime during 2007. It should be another great year for Apple and other personal mp3 player manufacturers.
But here’s the kicker – the study asked about the most important new feature that consumers desire in their next personal mp3 player from a set list. Overwhelmingly, they want an FM tuner (33%). That feature outpaces increased capacity, a larger screen, and video playback in importance. It is noteworthy that Apple owners are especially desirous of being able to receive FM radio in their next iPods. In fact, more than four in ten (43%) make this choice.

Of course, FM radios are available in Microsoft’s Zunes and SanDisk players, for example, but they are not built into Apple branded products, such as nano, shuffle, or video iPods. Clearly, this is a great opportunity for Apple to better serve its millions of iPod customers, while keeping ahead of its growing competition. It’s a no-brainer – If Apple truly wishes to make the most versatile, user-friendly personal mp3 devices, an FM tuner should be standard equipment.
There’s more data on iPods available in the full release on our Web site.
We are excited about release of the data from Tech Poll III, and even more will be forthcoming over the coming weeks. Your feedback on our surveys is welcome, as we continue to learn more about how radio listeners are engaged with other media and new technologies.
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Bravo Fred! Thanks for sharing the findings and thanks too for taking a leadership role in again fielding important research. As Gary Hamel says “Perspective is worth ten IQ points.”