Yesterday, Mike Stern wrote a guest post about “super consumers.” The idea of focusing on hardcore P1s has been around for decades, but the advent of new media tools changes the conversation and the strategy. This played out in a recent Nielsen Insights memo that talked about the value of finding and delighting these uber fans.
And in a different memo geared to their TV clients, a Nielsen Newswire piece – “Connecting With Social Brand Ambassadors” – makes the case for “super consumers” as the biggest spenders in any category, so the value of these engaged fans is obvious to stations and their advertisers. Not surprisingly, much of Nielsen’s research revolves around television and real-time viewing patterns that now integrate with social media. As they point out, consumers aren’t just tweeting about TV shows – they are also tweeting about brands. These “social brand ambassadors” tend to have large legions of followers. In fact, those who tweet about brands and TV average 1,265 followers – very impressive.
The radio connection to brand ambassadors is different, less real-time, but more directly engaged with stations, personalities, and brands. Viewers may get passionate about what’s happening on Scandal while watching the show, but radio brand ambassadors have a much different connection to the station because it is local, personal, and therefore accessible.
Using the research we have available, our approach to creating a brand advocates program for radio involved facing the challenge differently. Using the local market data from our Techsurveys, it was possible to isolate a group from the email database members who participated in the study. Using a variety of filters (social media activity, recommendation scores, etc.), we were able to identify groups of potential candidates for brand ambassadorship.
Not every effort paid off, but the most gratifying was put together by KSWD/Bonneville in Los Angeles, managed by Dave Beasing and his staff.
Nearly three years later, The Sound Backstagers is operational, together, and stronger than ever. Dave has guided these local Southern California station fans, but most importantly, he’s listened to what they have to say. (Dave is pictured above, right below the “S,” holding up the Hotel California album.)
Because they’re passionate, the Backstagers have opinions about the station, its music, and pretty much everything in between. Dave has provided them with a direct line for their feedback and they’ve taken advantage of it. The idea of “listening to your listeners” was part of the NeoRadio mantra that Dave helped author while he was here at Jacobs Media. It has become even more important when dealing with brand advocates or ambassadors. And part of that means giving up a certain amount of control – something that comes very difficult for most people in radio.
The Backstagers were originally put together as a subset of KSWD’s Techsurvey8 sample. By working within the station’s database, we were able to dig deeper to find just the right combination of socially connected people and personality types that lent themselves to supporting brands – for all the right reasons. This group – and it has grown since its inception – believes in The Sound, is invested in it, and works hard to spread the word about it. I can’t go into all the machinations of how the program works, but I can tell you that one of the interesting characteristics of the Backstagers is that they instantly bonded with one another. Here was a group of people with very little in common, save for living in the L.A. area, being very social by nature, and loving The Sound. But they quickly connected with one another, have become friends, and often hang out. They have become their own community with The Sound providing their soundtrack.
As Dave notes, “The Backstagers have become stakeholders in our success. They really care about The Sound, our staff and about each other.”
And that’s a big part of what separates brand advocates for a TV show or a cheese product from a program that is centered around a radio station.
This type of uber fan initiative isn’t right for just any station. But for those one or two killer radio brands in a market, it can be that behind-the-scenes, secret weapon that can make the difference during the dog days of Christmas music or when the PPM panel undergoes nasty changes.
It also takes work, nurturing, and the will to truly be open to feedback and to serving customers. But the ability of a brand advocates program to expand a great station’s social initiatives and to provide an important feedback mechanism when new concepts are being planned is invaluable.
Technology giveth and taketh away, as we all know. But for great radio stations in markets big or small, this is an idea that more stations should be considering.
Thanks to the Backstagers for teaching us about the real value of our fans.
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The backstagers have not only became a true advertising and marketing group for the station but have grown to become a family of friends. We have grown together and a true bind with each other from all different ways of life. it’s such an eclectic group that makes this fantastic group so amazing and the people are family and yes I’d say we have a mother hen type leader but all the station people and personalities are right there with us, we may have helped the station but without having enough powerful praise for them, KSWD 100.3 has created something amazing! Thank you!
Tom, thanks so much for the insights about what it’s like to be a Backstager for The Sound. Your POV is so valuable and really adds to the richness of the story. Thanks for sharing.
Well said Tom!
While it’s such an awesome marketing tool …and managed to perfection at the sound … Is there a way to take it further and use it to connect to the fringe of the audience ? The hipster ? For more lifestyle ideas (not music) to give the station and or format more street credibility .. It’s something beer brands like brooklyn brewery have done for years and judging by their portfolio of beers … They are not very complex like other craft beers but somehow they are right in the center of the hipster craft beer movement even with the limited portfolio they have .. They do it with brand ambassadors like you mentioned as well as association with key events around the area ..
I think you guys have really stumbled into something here … Fantastic read ! So typical that Dave Beasing is involved in it though
I like the idea of a companion group that’s halfway out the door, but still involved with radio. I think especially for an Alternative or Triple A station, this really makes sense.
The Backstagers have been very rewarding. They remind us of why we all got into radio in the first place. Frank, thanks for the kind words and I’ll pass them along to Dave.
I think Fred has captured the essence of the Backstagers here. I am the one holding the Bruce Springsteen “Greetings” album 🙂 Being welcomed in by the station and listening to us has been hugely gratifying. We have a sense of ownership with The Sound; it is OUR station, too. And we have a deep sense of community, gathering together without aid of the station (though we have plenty of that, too). Our soundtrack is always The Sound, and we are happy to support and promote the companies that advertise on “our” station. We hear commercials differently now. The DJs and Staff are just as active with our group and it adds to the investment we all have with The Sound’s success.
Janet, much appreciated. The fact that the entire airstaff has been “all in” from the beginning is part of what makes this so gratifying. In the sessions I’ve attended, it always fascinating to see you Backstagers sitting around the conference room table with KSWD air personalities mixed in. You can’t really tell the difference, and that’s a big part of the reason why this works. Many thanks to you and your fellow Backstagers, your commitment, your energy, and your passion.
And BTW, nice album choice!