Our founder, Fred Jacobs, offers insights into the latest trends in broadcasting and digital media.

Tales From The Radio Highway
Five tales from the radio highway to end the week. Enjoy.
Read MoreIs Radio The Answer To Loneliness?
As we head into the holiday season, new research indicates Americans may be more lonely than ever. And that’s where radio often comes to the rescue. An oft-cited reason for enjoying broadcast radio is companionship – an important emotional asset especially at this time of the year. Today’s #TBT takes a look back at November of 2018. Everything has changed, of course. But it’s still very much the same. I hope you check it out.
Read MoreHow Radio Can Successfully Build New Products
As if things weren’t challenging enough, radio broadcasters are being challenged to create new products & new businesses during especially difficult times. It’s like having to retrofit the plane while it’s flying at 35,000 feet. So, here’s the plan.
Read MoreWhy Mobile First Is Radio’s Road Back
For radio, there are lots of tools in the digital tool kit, but new research reminds us there’s only one that consumers covet, take with them everywhere, and would be in a panic if it ever got lost. Of course, it’s the mobile phone. And new data suggests radio broadcasters may be leaving a lot on the table without a “Mobile First” strategy. I’d love to help you connect those dots.
Read MoreHow Tech Savvy Is Your CEO?
Who is the leading spokesperson on technology in your company. A new study by Gartner points to the company’s CEO. And when you think about it, shouldn’t that be who leads YOURrradio company’s charge through the tech maze?
Read MoreDid AM Radio Just Get Hit By “Lightning?”
Photo: Ford Media These days, the auto industry is as disrupted as broadcast radio. Like the radio companies – a group of independent operators, each moving down a different pathway – automakers are highly individual companies. And in much the same way radio broadcasters have been rocked by digital players – streamers, podcasters, satellite radio […]
Read MoreAre There Zombies Lurking Around Your Radio Station?
Halloween is coming up fast, and it’s a great time to “ghoulishly” reassess your station brand. This morning’s #TBT post is about a new exercise that can help you determine how many “zombies” are lurking around your radio station – promotions, events, digital assets, and features that are neither alive nor dead, but taking up time, space, and energy. And I promise: it won’t be scary.
Read MoreVariety Is The Spice Of…Radio?
In radio, the perception of music variety is almost always a positive. And now a new research study suggest it may run deeper than that. Today’s blog post takes a look at the research and how a radio station can apply it to programming and marketing.
Read MoreThe Six Most Hated Words In Media
These days, many media brands are experimenting with their business models – fewer commercials, live reads, more ads on lower tiers, and other configurations designed to generate revenue without hurting the “mothership.” That is, everyone except broadcast radio.
Read MoreIt’s Good To Be Queen
We all know that content is KING, but radio broadcasters would aid their cause by devoting more time and energy to considering the QUEEN – that is, distribution. New research is showing seismic shifts in how and where consumers and entertaining anad informing themselves. It’s all part of the changing media environment. And since COVID, the rate of speed is picking up. Let’s take a look….
Read MoreAre You Following The Radio Rules?
As an industry, radio has “unwritten rules” about the medium – how it’s programmed, marketed, and sold. But where did those rules come from and do they make any sense in 2022? I’ve made my list, but this post will only get better with your additions to the archaic radio rule book.
Read MoreRadio’s Pre-Existing Conditions
These days, there’s a lot of talk about “pre-existing conditions” – how to face them and make sure they’re covered. On today’s #TBT post, we find radio broadcasters fighting through the pandemic, trying to regain both programming and sales equilibrium. Radio broadcasters have their own “pre-existing conditions,” the topic of today’s blog post. Time to take our temperatures.
Read MoreWell, Thank YOU!
Paul and I are being honored tonight with the NAB National Radio Award. It is a humbling, once-in-a-lifetime honor. And we only have 4 minutes between us to thank all of you who have meant so much to us along the way. So, we’re going to try and do it here. Here goes….
Read MoreDon’t Call Us, We Won’t Call You
As radio people, the phone has always been a great feedback loop – for contests, requests, pledge drives and fundraising, and of course, morning show fodder. But over the years, landlines have all but disappeared, making it more arduous to conduct audience research, whether it’s about thaat hot Senate race or whether they’re burned out on Lizzo. Today’s blogpost is a tad research wonky, but says a lot about how survey methods are being disrupted by these crazy times in which we live.
Read MoreHow Could You Have Gotten That SO Wrong?
Some of the most iconic names in business, media, and technology have made horrific decisions during these past several years. Spreadsheet cuts, gut calls, and plain old intuition are all driving both the brilliant and wrong-headed decisions made by the people at the top of the pyramid. I’ve got some eye-opening real-life examples in today’s blog post – reminders about just how difficult it is.
Read MoreThe Guys Who Owned The Position On “Positioning”
We are inundated with marketing books, but one of the most seminal in radio circles is “Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind” by Al Ries and Jack Trout. Al Ries passed away last week, and today’s JacoBLOG takes a look at this “marketing maverick” and what he’s meant to radio.
Read MoreThe Power of Music Passion
The fortunes of radio formats go up and down in mysterious ways, often defying logic. Some lay the blame on record labels and the inevitable music cycles. But an interview with one of music’s all-time icons revealas that at its core, music enjoyment is rooted in passion and a connection with fans, something that’s not always plentiful on the radio these days. Today’s #TBT post looks at music passion on and off the airwaves. Six years later, it very much speaks to the music and radio malaise we’re living through today.
Read MoreWhy Have So Many Radio Stations Given Up On Weekends?
Weekends are….different. We get our of normal routines for two cherished days away from the grind. And that raises the question of why Saturdays and Sundays have become throwaway days when the ways radio fits the “weekend vibe” presents both branding and ratings opportunities. Today’s blog post asks you to rethink how your radio station connects with audiences on those “S days.”
Read MoreStop! Hey, What’s The Sound?
In an entertainment and information landscape loaded with seemingly endless choices, brands need to do all they can to stand out. For audio brands, a tool growing in popularity is the sound signature, a few short seconds of audio that gets stuck in the brains of consumers. Problem is, coming up with just the right piece of audio is a heavy lift, enough to discourage brands from going down this road. But now Wikipedia may have hit on the answer, which I’ll share wiht you in today’s post. Check it out.
Read MoreIs Radio Out Of The Appointment Listening Business?
Remember “The Birthday Game?” For radio, it was the epitome of “appointment listening.” These days, that concept has the gone the way of the Walkman and the cart machine as on-demand programming and excessive competition has made it tough for radio stations to stand out and get tune-in. Today, we might just have an answer or at least a pathway for how your station can remain cutting-edge and current even in these budget-depleted times.
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