Our founder, Fred Jacobs, offers insights into the latest trends in broadcasting and digital media.

What’s The ONE Thing?
Today, radio PDs have unprecedented pressure. They often wear multiple hats, and most have little in the way of support staffs. They often put in long days, and may wonder when they head home, what they actually accomplished that day. So, the ideas is to focus on accomplishing just ONE thing that improves their station every day. I’ve put together a healthy list, but I bet many of you can easily add to it. What’s the ONE thing you can do that would make your station better today?
Read MoreRethinking Radio Station Swag in Light of Social Identity
Radio swag has become a throwaway item for most radio stations these past few decades, the first item cut from every budget. In fact, many stations have totally put the brakes on producing branded T-shirts, hats, and other stuff because they feel it has no ROI. Jacobs Media’s Seth Resler has gone to school on this topic, and reached the conclusion that station swag is an undervalued community building tool that can build brands and social identity. Today’s post makes a great point — for radio, it’s more than just growing your listeners. It’s about giving them the opportunity to make a statement about who they are and what they stand for.
Read MoreThe Art Of The Sale
All the radio vital signs continue to tell us broadcast revenue is “meh,” while the digital trajectory continues to rise. But not every marketer believes that’s a given. And in fact one expert has recently stepped up to ask why radio is consistently overlooked, undervalued, and underrated. His remarks are just what we need at the end of a long week to remind us of radio’s value – and why so much money is being left on the table. Bon appetit.
Read MoreWhat’s Your Name? Who’s Your Daddy?
What does it mean to “sell out,” and is there a price to be paid for doing it? Two years ago, Sinclair sold the naming rights to their 19 regional Fox Sports networks to Bally’s. Back then, Paul Jacobs warned about possible consequences. And here we are in 2023, and the entire operation has declared bankruptcy, potentially leaving millions of rabid sports fans in the lurch. We revisit this mess in today’s blogs, complete with new warnings about taking the money….and trying to steal a base.
Read MorePlaying The Classic(al) Music You Grew Up With
One thing about radio – even during the last dozen or so years of economic strife and a global pandemic – music research has endured. Stations and companies continue to incessantly play hooks and test music genres. And the industry is blessed with visionaries like Guy Zapoleon and Sean Ross, who always have their fingers on the pulse of music and popular trends. But there’s one genre -and it’s not new – that has snuck up in the last year without the least bit of cacophony or warning. And it’s been here all along – at least for the past few centuries.
Read MoreSeeing Eye Radio
Under the best of circumstances, carving out a solid career in radio is no easy task. Now imagine you have an impairment – like the loss of eyesight. Yesterday, we talked about the value of being clear-eyed and forward-looking. Today, it’s two truly amazing stories of overcoming the odds to achieve success despite blindness.
Read MoreThe Eyes Have It
Now more than ever, we need “that vision thing” to help us navigate our way through the minefield of new technology and innovation. But in order to truly see the road ahead, we have to train our minds to take in what’s around us, without getting dismissive or defensive. It’s a real skill, and it’s something all of us in the media business need to work on. To get the new week off to a good start, today’s blog post is intended to be an eye-opener. And it’s caffeine-free. Dig in.
Read MoreThe JacoBLOG Junk Drawer: The CRS 2023 Edition
I’m just back from the world-famous Country Radio Seminar in Nashville with a drawer-full of ideas, observations, and thoughts. I got the chance to meet a lot of engaged radio people talking about chat bots, music, and the state of the industry. Today’s blog post takes you backstage to CRS – and of course, Music City.
Read MoreHow Radio Can Best Deal With A Global Pandemic: Live And Local, Of Course
Three years ago right now, we weren’t worried about the Academy Awards, spy balloons, March Madness, or our spring vacations. Today’s post looks back at the coronavirus (as we called it back then) and what became a defining moment for many of us. While you may not want to relive those scary days, that’s not what today’s #TBT post is all about. Just 36 months ago, we had to figure out radio’s mission at the most pivotal of times. And how broadcasters could distinguish themselves and the medium at a moment in time when local audiences and communities needed it most. Back then, radio did good. Why not remember that, and maybe even apply it to what we’re doing now – now that we’re all back to “normal?”
Read MoreIs AM Radio Walking “The Last Mile?”
AM radio has hit some pot holes already in this new year, especially from automakers who seem bound and determined to keep amplitude modulation out of their electric vehicles. But in just the past several days, the storm clouds are gathering around those AM towers. Today’s blog post has some news you likely have not heard regarding AM’s long-term future in car dashboards. Buckle up. The news isn’t good.
Read MoreHow Radio Can Expand Its Audience Reach With Digital
Yesterday’s post about how radio broadcasters can successfully bridge the “digital divide” is a perfect lead-in to today’s topic: examples of how a “near-adjacent” model can provide a diverse portfolio of holdings as well as generating cash flow. Like all smart endeavors, this one isn’t easy or even quick. But it can work. Here’s how.
Read MoreCan Radio Broadcasters Navigate The Digital Divide?
As the weirdness of 2023 meanders on, it’s becoming clear the metrics that now matter for radio broadcasters. While earnings calls may fall under the banner of “Same as it ever was,” the KPI – or Key Performance Indicator, as CFOs love to call them – is now transcending revenue, profits, and margins. Sure, growth […]
Read MoreClassic Rock Currents?
Classic Rock CURRENTS? Talk about oxymorons. But that’s the theme of today’s post. I’ve got a buzzworthy 6-pack of them for you this morning, a TikTok video, a couple of mind-blowing vintage Classic Rock performances, and other fun facts that will entertain and amaze. After all, it’s a Friday and it’s been a long week – perfect for a lighter, positive radio point of view. Enjoy.
Read MoreCould The King Biscuit Flower Hour Survive Today?
Weekend special programming can make a radio station sound compelling and different. But it often comes with a cost, sometimes in the ratings. How should PDs in diary or metered markets make the tough calls to carry or cancel, whether they’re in public or commercial radio stations? When it comes to the weekend, what moves the needle for your audience?
Read MoreThere’s No “I” In Band
The worlds of music and radio are undergoing change, sometimes in ways that are well below radar. Today’s blog post looks at the phenomenon that we are more frequently working by ourselves more than we are in groups. This means more solo acts on stage, a higher rate of virtual meetings, and less staff camaraderie at radio stations. The chemistry is changing.
Read MoreWill Thursdays Be The New Black?
In recent years, we’ve learned how technology can disrupt radio listening. But we’ve also experienced how digital innovation can add to the industry’s bottom line. In recent weeks, AI chat bots have dominated the conversation. But what if the next game-changer in radio isn’t about gadgetry or algorithms at all? What if it hinges on how, when, and where we work? The 4-day workweek is coming, and it is sure to impact the ways in which we program and market our stations.
Read MoreFour Words For Radio In 2023: Act Like A Neighbor
In a highly charged, competitive environment, does broadcast radio still have any “special sauce” on the shelf. I have good news to start the new week – analysis and data that suggest the answers have been under our collective noses all along. Give it a read and then give me your thoughts.
Read MoreWhat Is A Mensch? This.
Perhaps you’ve heard the term “mensch” before, perhaps wondering exactly how it’s defined. I may have just figured it out.
Read MoreThe Power Of Dead Air
Radio people are taught that dead air is taboo. But there’s a lot to be said for the pause – and even moments of silence – to get a point across. Today’s post looks at three brilliant examples of how powerful the pregnant pause can be.
Read MoreWhen It Comes To Gas Prices And Taylor Swift Tickets, Greed IS Good
for the last year, a focus has been on the ravages of rising prices on many of the things we value, whether it’s gasoline or concert tickets. But the truth is that if you are in the oil or live entertainment industries, it’s highly likely you had a smashingly successful 2022. Whether it makes financial sense or not, most consumers sucked it up and paid the price, exorbitant or not. What are the emotions in motion that drive this behavior, and how can radio programmers and marketers benefit from this knowledge?
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