Our founder, Fred Jacobs, offers insights into the latest trends in broadcasting and digital media.

Is FM Classic Rock Radio Better Than Spotify?
For nearly two decades, Spotify has redefined music – for those who try to make a living as musicians and for those of us who enjoy listening to music. Infinite playlists, song skips, on-demand access, and algorithms designed not to make mistakes are all part of the Spotify package. And where has that left the average FM music station? That’s the question, a young writer recently tackled for a high level publication. You might be surprised by his conclusions.
Read MoreTelevision Is Imploding; Why Radio Won’t Anytime Soon
The television industry is in a world of pain, whether it’s local TV stations or streaming video channels just about all of us pay subscription fees for. Some believe television as we’ve known it is doomed. So, what about radio? New data from Techsurvey reveal radio has some distinct advantages, but there’s a catch…it’s called the car. Here’s the latest info on radio’s #1 listening location.
Read MorePortugal. The Man: A View Of Radio From Across The Pond
You just never know where that next teaching moment may come from. A JacoBLOG reader included an interview in his comment. The subject is a radio CEO from Portugal. As I read the article, I found myself nodding with each successive paragraph. During these truly tumultuous times, we can all benefit from sage words, bold leadership, and a hearty dose of wisdom. From dashboards to digital to demographics, here’s a C-suiter with an impressive world view…of radio. No fooling.
Read MoreQ1 2024 – Not So Random Numbers
Mark Twain famously wrote: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Today’s post is dedicated to the numbers games we play, the data that shape our industry, our careers, and our lives. Several are bona fide eye-openers, with maybe even a jaw-dropper or two. Enjoy the perspective, and don’t forget to add your comments to the conversation.
Read MoreCould The King Biscuit Flower Hour Survive Today?
Weekend special programming can make a radio station sound compelling and different. But these shows often come with a cost, sometimes in the ratings. Five years ago, I blogged about the role of syndicated programming in both diary and metered markets. PDs are tasked with making the tough calls to carry or cancel, whether they run public, commercial, or Christian stations. And the post asks whether one of the most popular special weekend programs that aired in virtually every radio market back in the 70’s could survive today.
Read MoreA Visit To A Hotbed Of Live And Local Radio: Omaha, Nebraska
So far this week, our posts have been about broadcast radio refocusing its energies on a very different set of priorities in an effort to differentiate its products and experiences from everyone else’s. And in response to the question, “So Fred, where is it working?,” today’s post starts at an unlikely place on Interstate 80, a town you may have driven right past. Until today, that is.
Read MoreRadio, This Is Us, Part 2
Yesterday’s post, “Radio, This Is Us,” made the case that broadcasters need to focus on radio’s definable differences. And in today’s conclusion, the puzzle is solved – but it’s no easy fix. Hit READ MORE and let’s get this going.
Read MoreRadio, This Is Us
The world’s biggest tech companies make headlines every day, innovating new ideas, debuting new products, and trying to stay ahead of the curve – and each other. Meantime, most of the biggest broadcast radio companies find the going only getting rougher, especially when they’re competing against what media maven, Evan Shapiro, calls the “Trillion Dollar Death Stars” – Apple, Meta, Amazon, Google, and the others. In this highly charged. rapidly developing media market, where does broadcast radio fit in? Welcome to Monday morning. Let’s jump in.
Read MoreIn Praise Of Radio’s Night Owls
A few weeks ago, a post about the upsides of being an early bird hit home for many of you. But a certain radio night owl pushed back, writing a clever and compelling comment. And so to end the week, I handed him the JacoBLOG keyboard. Today’s post is his rebuttal – an ode to those who hit “snooze,” pull the covers over their heads, and go back to sawing logs. It turns out radio needs those late risers to balance off our morning hosts and others who get their motors running at the crack of dawn. So, which one are YOU?
Read MoreI Love Calgary (and Milwaukee and Tulsa and Rochester)
Does “local” really matter in broadcast radio today? Or has the need for economy of scale overshadowed whatever value being connected to a place once had? Today’s #TBT post goes back nine years to a different American radio. But the theme is very much relevant and resonant. Those who end up surviving…and thriving — in broadcast radio will most likely be the ones that are committed to their communities and what makes them special. After all, that’s precisely how radio lived to fight another day in the 1950s up against the tsunami of television. As for the Internet and AI, conditions on the ground aren’t all that different. Let’s discuss. Just hit “READ MORE.”
Read MoreThe Unstoppable Rise of AI: Notes from Borrell Miami 2024
ICYMI, Borrell Associates’ conference in Miami took place last week, and our Chris Brunt was on hand, taking copious notes, asking probing questions, and thoroughly processing how the confluence of AI and radio is an unstoppable force. Chris has made it his mission to consider all the AI angles to help guide us through the tall grass of this technology. Will you find his observations about AI at Borrell mind-blowing or in the “I already knew that” category? You’ll have to click READ MORE below to find out.
Read MoreVinyl: What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been
In media circles, perhaps the biggest comeback we’ve ever witnesses has been the resurrection of the vinyl record. Its rise from the ashes these past 20 or so years has been breathtaking. How can we explain vinyl’s amazing rebound, and does have any implications for radio’s ability to bounce back in the years ahead? Click “READ MORE” and let’s talk about it.
Read MoreWhy Spotify Keeps Trying To Get “Radio” Right
We all know the story about “The Space Race” back in the go-go 1960’s when the U.S. and Russial were in a drag race to put a man on the moon. With perhaps not quite as much investment, the big tech companies have had a “moon shot” project of their own over the past decade: how to make better radio than RADIO. The latest effort is DJ X on Spotify. And it’s an amazing story that tells us more about the power and potential of radio than we think we know.
Read MoreThe Politics Of Radio – 2024
THe political season is officially upon us as the Presidential race is now set. Whether you like the choices, the hope is this year, radio is able to up its game – and political campaign ad spend. I’ve got some great support material that suggests 2024 could end up being a strong one. Here’s why:
Read MoreIf Your Taste In Music Sucks, It Could Be Your Parents’ Fault
When it comes to music discovery, more and more research indicates a key variable is your parents. And you may be surprised to learn about the tastes of these parental influencers – especially the moms. This phenomenon helps to explain some of the demographic anomalies we see in Nielsen ratings. The music you love doesn’t necessarily match the songs, artists, and albums that came out when you were a teen. Oftentimes, it’s the music that was on in the house or the car has the most sticking power. Welcome to #TBT.
Read MoreA Blueprint For Radio, Part 2 (The Fine Print)
In part two of his “Blueprint For Radio,” Paul Jacobs rolls up his sleeves and invites you to do the same. Here we go.
Read MoreA Blueprint For Radio
Today, I hand the JacoBLOG keyboard over to brother Paul – who has a LOT to say. Rather than look back at his 50 (mostly) great years in radio, he’s turned his attention to the front windshield, imagining what radio could be, better put, NEEDS to be in order to get past this obvious inflection point we’re all feeling. So give the young man your attention and open mind, and let’s see of someone who got his start in radio sales just might have a solution set that’s worthy of our time and consideration.
Read MoreRadio’s Random Acts Of Content
We haven’t yet reached the Ides of March in 2024, and already we’re seeing tough financial times for a number of prominent public radio organizations, plagued by red ink and resultant layoffs. Today’s JacoBLOG post takes a hard look at how the source of these job cuts tells an important story about radio’s digital content strategy – or the lack of it. It’s an examination of the state of play in broadcast radio’s efforts to be competitive in an overcrowded digital arena. As many are learning, “If you build it, they will come” does not mean we can pay for it.
Read MoreHow Bad Can It Get For Radio?
Sunday night ushers in the 96th Academy Awards show, a television event that’s on dangerous footing, alongside the embattled industry it represents. And yet, the motion picture business has somehow managed to survive, even up against the rise of television, video streaming, and platforms like YouTube. The question is whether it can muster the creativity and innonvation necessary for continued greatness. If all of this sounds strangely familiar, it is no coincidence. Radio broadcasters might be wise to pay close attention to how the movie biz navigates today’s troubled waters. Those golden Oscar statuettes are similar to those glass Marconis, a symbol of past greatness. Let’s watch the exciting climax together. Hang onto that popcorn.
Read MoreWho Has The Best Voice: A Man Or A Woman?
Smart speakers – gadgets powered by our increasing use of voice commands – are becoming more ubiquitous. But have you ever wondered why virtually every one of these computerized voice assistants is anchored by a female voice? The biggest tech companies aren’t making these decision by random chance. There are reasons why female voices rule in consumer electronics, and why everyone in radio should be paying attention. Today’s post is a look back at the past five years for women on the airwaves. But we might also want to think of it as a jumping off point to a future where women have as viable a chance as men for excelling in the air studio. Click “Read More” to see what’s up….and what isn’t.
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