Our founder, Fred Jacobs, offers insights into the latest trends in broadcasting and digital media.

Public Radio And Local News: It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again
Public radio stations around the country are trying to regain their equilibrium in the face of rising deficits and difficulties monetizing their digital assets. But there’s one glaring opportunity few have truly leaned into that could exploit and enhance one of its true “superpowers.” Problem is, the competition sees it, too.
Read MoreHow Radio Can Improve Its Digital Content Batting Average
Yesterday’s blog post quesitoned whether the oft-stated myth – “Radio survived TV in the 1950s so it wlll reinvent itself in the Internet Age” – holds water. Today’s post is a more granular look at the specific digital content radio organizations have created during these past 30 years – and what will transpire moving forward. And I pose questions – 17 of them, in fact – every content creator and media executive should ask before greenlighting new media products. This is an interative process. I’m hoping to hear from many of you because this is truly a community effort. In fact, that may be the only way for radio to address its current set of daunting challenges.
Read MoreDispelling the “Radio Survived TV So We’ll Survive The Internet” Myth
A comfortable trope in the radio broadcasting industry has traditionally implied that just as the medium survived and even thrived after the television revolution in the 1950s, radio will innovate its way out of its current challenges. But is this historical perspective valid? In today’s blog post we journey back to the pivots radio made during those years, as well as the technology of those times that saved the day for radio. What can we learn from those wily broadcasters who figured out how to reinvent radio?
Read MoreAmerican Radio On The World Stage
Last week in Prague, I was honored to speak at the WorldDAB’s auto event. Like our DASH Conferences, it was a fascinating mashup of automotive execs and radio broadcasters, coming together to discuss opportunities and challenges. There was a lot to take in so I boiled down the big takeaways in today’s post.
Read MoreMy Dad Won Guns N’ Roses Tickets!!!!
An amazing 60-second video of an over-the-top contest winner is a reminder to everyone in radio not just about the value of prizes, but the impact stations can have on people’s lives. Even a correct caller ticket giveaway that looks like just another element on the program log can provide the thrill of a lifetime for a listener, something that radio does like no other medium. At a time when many people are in need of a little joy, it can be radio to the rescue.
Read MoreWill AI Replace Audience Research As We Know It?
The excitement and drama surrounding AI intensifies when talk of the technology replacing jobs and entire industries takes flight. While the radio industry has been emotionally debating whether bots could replace DJs and VO pros, a new application has emerged: audience research. And a brand new startup claims “synthetic research” among avatars rather than human respondents is faster, cheaper, and just as accurate as the real thing. In today’s post, I break it down and tackle a topic we no doubt will be discussing and debating for the foreseeable future.
Read MoreThe Value Of Free: Tubi Or Not To Be
As media brands proliferate and have gotten more competitive, the need for standing out has never been greater. Amidst the video streaming wars, one player has emerged with a different model that’s paying off big time. There are some key lessons here for broadcast radio where the competitive scenario demands a unique and different approach.
Read MoreIf Content Is King, Distribution Is King Kong
Forever and a day, we’ve been taught the familiar maxim, “Content is king.” But now, one of the most perceptive observers of the media and technology universe is telling us there’s a new, more meaningful way to look at the landscape – and it’s all about through the lens of distribution. For readers of this blog, that’s nothing new, but the ways in which most broadcasters are developing their respective strategies might require some re-examination if our industry is to avoid the black holes that continue to make legacy media brands disappear.
Read MoreThe Absolute, Unadulterated, and Total Joy Of Being #1
What does it mean to be #1 in the market, especially those ultra-competitive major PPM metros? Not as much as it once did. Nowadays, broadcasters discount the top dog position because it’s based on 6+. But blowing past all competitors in town is SOMETHING. And a little digging into the ratings proves it. After all, not everyone in radio can make the claim, “We’re #1!”
Read MoreSo, How Did You Get Into Radio?
As #TBT posts go, today’s entry is one of my all-time favorites. It is dedicated to the amazing men and women on the airwaves who, lucky for us, made radio their career. We want to hear them tell great stories, but most of all, we want to hear them tell their stories. As a rule, radio people are very interesting sorts, and yet, we often don’t know as much about them as we’d like. Maybe after reading today’s throwback post, we can change that.
Read MoreKeepin’ It Real With Gen Z
Those crazy Gen Z kids! Just when you think you understand them, they go and do something unpredictable. It turns out more and more are deleting dating apps in favor of real life encounters with (wait for it…..) other people! In fact, the more you research Gen Z, the more you realize they’re a lot like US. In fact, they might value connectedness and being with other people possibly even more than their parents and grandparents do.
Read MoreThe Radio Experience: Keeping It Fun And Entertaining
Since the darkest days of COVID, consumers have been itching to get out, travel, and enjoy life with family and friends. And records are being set for leisure and recreational spending. It means there’s more competition for the entertainment buck as new, innovative and fun concepts spring up in cities and towns all over the country. In Las Vegas, it’s Sphere, but in other locales, consumers are throwing axes or playing elaborate rounds of mini-golf. In 2024, it’s all about the experience. And wouldn’t you know it, radio plays a larger role than you might think. What’s the coolest new entertainment concept you’ve experienced in the past year? I’ll be happy to show you mine. Just click READ MORE.
Read MoreIs It Time For Radio Broadcasters To “Thelma & Louise” Over The Demographic Cliff?
Radio’s not the only traditional media platform struggling in the revenue column of those harsh spreadsheets. In fact, network television has had a financial famine for some years now, due in large part to its aging demographics. But now a philosophical shift in marketing focus is spreading throughout the TV industry. Could it provide radio “cover” to make an attempt at the same strategy?
Read MoreWhere’s My #!&$% Car Radio?!
The “AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act” continues to ricochet around the nation’s capitol. Over the past year, the idea of car companies removing AM radio from the dash – once unspeakable – has become a regular conversation in automotive and radio broadcasting circles. But across the pond, a couple of car makers have quietly omitted a radio altogether, and they hope no one notices. Thanks to an industry colleague, we’ve noticed. And if you click on READ MORE, so will you.
Read MoreIt’s No Crime To Work In Radio
Some radio stations feel like crime scenes. And wouldn’t you know it, True Crime has become a very popular podcast genre. And now, a former DJ has combined the best of both worlds – a whodunit suspense novel set in – where else? – a radio station. No spoiler alerts here, but you have to read today’s post to learn how this classic radio mystery turns out. (Can you stand the suspense?)
Read MoreWhen Government Agencies Battle
With the presidential election looming, the elephant in the room is how anyone can prevent AI from influencing the outcome. At the moment, two government agencies – headed up by two leaders from opposite ends of the political spectrum – are squabbling over the issue. Can anything actually get done? Should anything get done? Which agency should do it? And where does this leave the average radio station? I’ll do my best to answer all these questions.
Read MoreDigital + Radio: It’s The Sum Of The Parts
The tension between traditional radio and digital departments has been palpable over the last many years. Yet, media organizations that combine modern digital assets with the broadcast megaphone called “radio” would seem to have a distinct edge over companies that only offer digital. I call it “the sum of the parts,” and it’s a reason to invoke the rarely uttered phrase, “Advantage: RADIO.” Today’s blog post focuses on how to make the intersection of radio’s Venn diagram work.
Read MoreA Rocky Road Ahead For AI?
Oh no, not another blog post about AI! Alas, it is. But today’s post takes a contrarian point of view to the irrational exuberance that has accompanied AI since ChatGPT was launched just18 months ago. Is AI overhyped and has it already peaked, slowed down by the need for billions of dollars of investment where the returns remain paltry? Has AI already become commoditized as its engines all produce pretty much the same output? And what does it all mean for radio broadcasters. Hit “READ MORE” and let’s have a conversation among us humans
Read MoreWhy Radio May Be SOL With SMBs
When I think about radio broadcasters keeping pace with new technology, I always see it through the programming lens.
What type of content should we be creating in order to stay competitive? And what distribution outlets should we be focusing on? But of course, there’s the all-important sales side. And it’s another area where radio companies haven’t always kept up. That’s the view of our digital revenue strategist and AI guy, Chris Brunt. And for today’s post, he’s got the keyboard and a post that should give radio’s revenue generators something to think about.
Read MoreA PPM Lesson…From Howard Stern (And David Letterman)
Today’s #TBT blog post goes back nine years to May 2015. But it might feel even longer ago than that to you. Its central characters – Howard Stern and David Letterman – have taken very different paths than what they were doing when this post originally published. Letterman was walking away from his Late Show […]
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