Our Tech Poll has provided us with some fascinating insights about the satellite radio threat during the past four surveys, and this new report is no different. As reported in yesteday’s New York Times "Drilling Down" feature, XM and Sirius have some challenges retaining subscribers. In the past, we’ve been able to track satellite radio […]
Read MoreSatellite Radio – What’s Next?
Our Tech Poll has provided us with some fascinating insights about the satellite radio threat during the past four surveys, and this new report is no different. As reported in yesteday’s New York Times "Drilling Down" feature, XM and Sirius have some challenges retaining subscribers. In the past, we’ve been able to track satellite radio […]
Read MoreGet Off The Pot
Recently, we saw more negative data about HD Radio from various surveys that have been conducted in ’08. In pretty much every study, awareness is flat, sales aren’t great, and overall consumer interest is limp. Our Tech Poll IV data is no different. We see year-to-year awareness and sales are up just a tick. And […]
Read MoreReinventing the Whopper
Burger King has provided us with a smart marketing lesson this year. Their very successful signature burger, the Whopper, recently turned 51 years-old. But the company is not resting on the Whopper’s heritage, reputation, or laurels. While the sandwich has always been a big hit, Burger King realizes that it’s easy for consumers to take […]
Read MoreThe Selling of Music – 2008 Style
What an exciting time for the record industry. Consider these recent news headlines: iTunes has now passed Wal-Mart and everyone else to become the top music retailer in the U.S. Universal, Sony BMG, and Warner Music Group will offer their catalogues in a joint project with MySpace This is big news for a business that […]
Read MoreIf A Tree Falls…
Three years ago, this news story from late last week would have created massive "water cooler talk" in and out of radio: "Stern Show Rocked By Lange Blowup" In case you didn’t hear (and you probably didn’t), Artie Lange walked off the Stern show last Thursday after an incident with his personal assistant. This would […]
Read MoreWeb Fresheners
Today’s blog comes from our own Keith Cunningham providing us with ways to keep our websites fresh: Nielsen Net Ratings released a list of the Top 30 News Sites, based on February ’08 traffic. The list is ranked by sessions per-person, not audience size. In Radio terms, by TSL, not cume. Check it out … […]
Read MoreW.T.D.A.
One major truth that jumps out at you when you peruse the results of our Tech Poll IV is the screaming speed at which technology and gadgetry are permeating the lives of Rock radio listeners. That’s the purpose of these polls that we’ve been doing for four years now – to track the media and […]
Read MoreCarpe Diem
Inspired perhaps by Bob Rivers and the famous Orioles "stay on the air until they win" stunt in ’88, Kevin Matthews (WLAV/Grand Rapids) spoke for all Michiganders this week when he personally took the Detroit Tigers’ 0-7 start on his shoulders. If you know baseball, the Tigers have been picked by many experts to get […]
Read MoreIs It Any Wonder?
The RIAA continues to keep its war with broadcast radio at a high-pitched level. Recently the CEO of the RIAA, Mitch Bainwol, applauded the XM/Sirius merger as "a powerful validation that competitors should play by the same set of rules. On the heels of this decision, the logic for a performance right for terrestrial radio […]
Read MoreFollow The Money – Part II
Here is part 2 of the guest post from Paul Jacobs who offers his insight on how radio needs to invest in solutions to reach younger consumers: Assume for a minute that radio’s revenue growth via the traditional commercial platform is going to continue to be challenging. And if your station specializes in lower demand […]
Read MoreI Came, I Saw, I Blogged
We are big fans of using blogs to interact with the audience, and to dialogue about programming. A great example is K-Rock/New York (WXRK), where "Pete In Promotions" is doing a great job of bringing the thrill of victory and agony of defeat to "Bracket Brawl." (SEE BELOW) A strong writer with something to say […]
Read MoreCABs
Take heart, radio programmers and general managers. Major American industry may be following you, for a change. The new Chrysler has just announced a new initiative that will allow their customers to advise their corporate types. In a new program called an online Customer Advisory Board (or CAB), about 2,000 Chrysler owners will have the […]
Read MoreApril Fugues Day
One of the dumbest and smartest things I’ve ever heard a public radio station do occurred this past Tuesday – April Fool’s Day. It was the brainchild of WQED/Pittsburgh’s Executive Director, Susan Johnson. Proving that public radio stations can smile, too, Susan’s version of radio punk’d was to announce to her audience that WQED‘s Classical […]
Read MoreRockin' The Vote – Part 2
Jacobs Media’s Tech Poll IV highlights are now available on our website. While we asked our usual techie questions in this fourth annual poll about everything from text messaging to iPods to satellite radio, we also included a section about the upcoming Presidential election. While we have no trending data from past elections, we were […]
Read MoreRockin’ The Vote – Part 2
Jacobs Media’s Tech Poll IV highlights are now available on our website. While we asked our usual techie questions in this fourth annual poll about everything from text messaging to iPods to satellite radio, we also included a section about the upcoming Presidential election. While we have no trending data from past elections, we were […]
Read MoreShifting Sands
A recent article in Ad Age, "GM Roars Forward Into Digital Ad Channels," is a game-changer. GM is the third largest advertiser in the U.S., so the news that they will split half of their $3 billion ad budget over to digital on one-to-one marketing ought to grab our attention. And they’re not talking about […]
Read MoreMaking a (Web) Statement
If you visited Google last Saturday, you were greeted by an all-black home page: Talk about impact – this was Google’s way to draw attention to a conservation effort called Earth Hour. The idea was for everyone to turn out their lights for an hour to raise awareness for environmental efficiency. And of course, it […]
Read MoreWho Said That?
"We somehow evolved from a culture of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation to a culture of, in a way, mediocrity and bureaucracy." No, it’s not a radio CEO, but it sure could be. It’s Howard Schultz, the on-again-off-again CEO/creator of Starbucks. Returning to the helm of a suddenly struggling company in a more competitive, recession-scared world, […]
Read MoreGee 4
Comcast isn’t just talking about the young guy media usage problem – they’re attacking it head-on. In order to ensure their G4 Network is on-target and appealing, they have initiated a full-year research program to get at Male 18-34 tastes and habits. Taking no prisoners, the program is called "Hunting with Lightsabers," and it’s a […]
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