As the industry continues to recover and the revenue picture has begun to improve, the pace certainly hasn’t slowed down. If anything, broadcasters find themselves moving at even a faster pace, trying to keep up with the demands. The last couple of years of budget cuts have taken their toll on many departments of most […]
Read MoreLost Art
The news that Eminem is back with a new album is music to Motor City ears, as well as his long time legions of fans around the globe. The hype machine is already gearing up by pre-releasing photos of the album's cover. And that news might surprise you right there. There's actually artwork. And it's […]
Read MoreW(i-Fi)TF?
There’s an old saying that you often hear in corporate meetings, sales get-togethers, and around the cubicles: Pigs get fat – hogs get slaughtered. When it comes to greed and simply taking advantage of a good thing, that’s been the Starbucks philosophy for many years when it comes to Internet access. I love the place, […]
This is already becoming an amazing baseball season – some great rookies, perfect games, the "imperfect game," and now phenom Stephen Strasburg of the Washington Nationals who is the must-see player of the year – and he's only pitched two games. But fans know something special when they see it – and so do smart […]
Read MoreNewspaper Wars
The problems besetting the nation's newspapers are well-known. Between iconic daily newspapers going out of business, moving to Chapter 11 status, or just becoming less viable as purveyors of local journalism, this industry is in a world of hurt. During the past two Jacobs Tech Surveys, we have trended regular newspaper readership (3-4 days per […]
Read MoreNothing Ventured
A new piece at provides a nice follow-up to a recent blog post here – “A Hobby Or A Business” – that took on the question of whether traditional broadcasters pursuing digital initiatives might be wasting their time and money. This new article refers to many of the print casualties, along with the problems that […]
Read MoreDigital Sex
I knew that headline would get your attention, but it accurately describes a recent presentation that we made at the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists conference in Pittsburgh. AASECT, founded by Pat Schiller in 1967, has been putting together these conferences for 42 years. This year’s theme – "Bridging Educational, Medical, and Clinical […]
Read MoreIt's A Fiesta
While we've been enjoying the Spring, Ford and a team of engineering and design students from the University of Michigan were putting the finishing touches on an exciting automotive and digital journey across the U.S. Called "American Journey 2.0," these two groups put together a cross-country tour of two digitally tricked-out 2011 Ford Fiestas to […]
Read MoreIt’s A Fiesta
While we've been enjoying the Spring, Ford and a team of engineering and design students from the University of Michigan were putting the finishing touches on an exciting automotive and digital journey across the U.S. Called "American Journey 2.0," these two groups put together a cross-country tour of two digitally tricked-out 2011 Ford Fiestas to […]
Read MoreCEO ABC's
What's the worst chief executive job this side of AIG? It would have to be the guy in charge of Freddie Mac. As you may recall, they took tons of federal aid and were roundly blamed for facilitating the housing crisis, not to mention losing $26 billion last year. So how does Charles Haldeman Jr. […]
Read MoreCEO ABC’s
What's the worst chief executive job this side of AIG? It would have to be the guy in charge of Freddie Mac. As you may recall, they took tons of federal aid and were roundly blamed for facilitating the housing crisis, not to mention losing $26 billion last year. So how does Charles Haldeman Jr. […]
Read MoreNew Constellations
I was honored to speak at the Non-COMM music industry conference last week, an interesting collection of Triple A stations from both the public and commercial radio sectors. Produced by WXPN under the able guidance of Bruce Warren and Roger LaMay, this conference is a mashup of PDs, Indie bands, label people, and promo folks who come together […]
Read MoreThe Toothpaste Is Out Of The Tube
Last week, AT&T announced new data plans structured to get more money from heavy data users on devices like iPhones. While only 2% of iPhone owners fall into this group, this multi-tiered pricing model is focused on them. As a result, there's been some speculation that higher prices could curtail data usage, including streaming radio stations […]
Read MoreGoodbye, Coach
This past weekend, the world of sports lost perhaps one of its most legendary icons – John Wooden – who passed away at the ripe old age of 99. Last fall to commemorate that birthday, we posted the following blog, reposted this morning in his memory: Earlier this week, former UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden, […]
Read MorePerfect
I know there are more important things than baseball – the oil spill, any number of foreign crises, the economy – but I simply cannot get Detroit Tiger Armando Galarraga's perfect game – that wasn't – out of my mind. As a baseball fan for many decades, I have never been more disappointed by the […]
Read MoreHigh Value
What would you pay for a front row seat to see Eric Clapton, U2, Bon Jovi or whatever artist you've idolized your entire music life? If you're in radio, maybe not a whole lot. But if you're a true fan, the odds are good you'd be willing to part with a lot of money – […]
Read MoreA Hobby Or A Business
There have been lots of discussion in the trades about Jeff Smulyan’s recent comments about streaming and digital initiatives at the BIA/Kelsey conference last month. In essence, Jeff threw up the caution flag about broadcasters pursuing technologies that are “very cool” but are unlikely to show a profit. And that has led to back-and-forths in the […]
Read More(Ad)Mob Scene
While the nation was fixated on the Gulf oil spill and its implications on our ecosystem and economy, the Federal Trade Commission approved Google's purchase of AdMob. There had been some controversy that this acquisition might give Google an unfair advantage in the mobile ad space. But at a 5-0 vote, the FTC essentially said […]
Read MoreMemorial Day
JacoBlog will return on Tuesday, June 1. We wish you, your family, and friends a safe Memorial Day.
Read MoreNot Dead Yet
It turns out that the in the first quarter of this year, Kantar Media is reporting that U.S. ad spending rose 5%. Radio grew by more than 7%. Looks like David Field was right. We're not dead yet. Enjoy the holiday weekend.
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