A number of Jacobs Media clients over the years have heard me make the “X-Men” reference about our professional staff. My theory has always been to hire strong pros with skill sets different from mine – and from each other’s – in order to create and grow a powerful and effective team. In much the […]
Read MoreGoin’ Mobile – So Now What?
First, thanks to the great SRO crowd we had at “The Radio Show” for our collaboration presentation with Arbitron – “Goin’ Mobile.” I know we hyped it a lot, but I think the feedback has already told us that this initiative cut through and made an impression. Paul Jacobs was present for every interview, and […]
Read MoreWelcome, Programmers!
I had another one of those “aha moments” in radio late last month. Paul and I were invited to speak at the PRPD conference by our friend, Arthur Cohen. That’s the acronym for Public Radio Program Directors. Yup, an entire three-day conference devoted to issues that impact programmers and station brands. And attendance was fabulous […]
Read MoreMo’ Mobile Money
This morning’s post features guest blogger, Paul Jacobs, fresh from trips to Dallas for the Borrell Local Mobile Advertising Conference, PRPD in Denver, as well as “The Radio Show” in D.C. Here’s his perspective on monetizing mobile: Last week I attended the Borrell Local Mobile Advertising Conference in Dallas, an event that no one could […]
Read MoreSmash It Or Trash It
There’s been some controversy over a New York Newsday TV commercial about that newspaper’s iPad app. <EMAIL RECIPIENTS: CLICK HERE TO VIEW NEWSDAY IPAD APP COMMERCIAL> The rumor is that Apple has apparently expressed discontent with its product being destroyed in front of millions of eyes. Maybe in Cupertino, that's a big deal, but it […]
Read MoreRAINdrops
It’s already been a busy week for us here at Jacobs Media. This morning, we’ll be debuting “Goin’ Mobile,” the ethnographic study we designed and put together with Arbitron. We’re looking forward to seeing many of you in the audience at “The Radio Show.” Earlier in the week, Paul participated in a mobile panel with […]
Read MoreTo TVB Or Not TVB
Reinvention is always a challenge, especially for traditional “we’ve always done it that way” institutions. That probably describes the Television Bureau of Advertising, an organization founded in the early 1950’s that is trying to rebrand itself and simultaneously, re-establish its value to both TV stations and advertisers. Step one is to start using the same […]
Read MoreSilos
While reading The New York Times last weekend, I ran across the story about Jeff Zucker leaving NBC – in the “Business Day” section. And it caught me because Zucker is the guy who’s been at NBC since he was 26 years-old, produced the Today show, and was a big force behind the network’s success […]
Read MoreHappy Birthday, Google!
Today, our favorite search engine, Google, turns 12. You knew something big was obviously happening when that oddly named web tool became a verb, as in “to Google something” or to tell someone, “I Googled you.” A lot has happened in the last twelve years as it pertains to search, aside from the way the […]
Read MoreGift Horse
A charitable donation of $100 million dollars makes headlines. And in fact, something so gigantically generous might just be able to overshadow the negative publicity generated by a new movie. Or perhaps that’s what skeptics are postulating about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to gift the Newark school districts with more money than any of […]
Read MoreThe Right Track
As companies and brands grapple with “best practices” for social media, a new Direct Marketing Association and COLLOQUY study sheds some light on the challenge. They surveyed 369 marketing objectives to determine their social media goals. The bottom line is that for new product acquisition – or new cumers – devices like Facebook and Twitter […]
Read MoreFree Beer (and Hot Wings?)
No brand is immune to deterioration and erosion, even including the biggest spenders imaginable. In this case, Budweiser. Anheuser-Busch has suffered in recent years, and the culprit is the under-30s. Just like in radio, when a product like beer or mass entertainment becomes less cool to younger consumers, there are problems. How far has Bud […]
Read MoreRecovery
It seems like the debate about whether the economy and the media world are in a state of recovery may never end. But for most owners, general managers, and sales managers, we hear a reassuring sense that the worst is over and better days are ahead. But amidst this more positive news is the concern […]
Read MoreApp-titude
There is no shortage of articles and alerts filled with this week’s research data about smartphones. This stuff makes us “smarter,” but also comes off a lot like the contradictory nutrition information we’re pummeled by. One week, coffee is good for you; the next week, it causes strokes. (“I’ll have a grande latte with light […]
Read MoreThe End Of Radio News?
Last week, Inside Radio ran a provocative story speculating about how fewer and fewer radio stations are benefitting from the expanding American appetite for news. While news consumption is actually increasing among the population, fewer are turning to radio for news and information. There are exceptions – and the IR piece singles out the massively […]
Read MoreTipping Point
How does a company – or for that matter, an industry – know when an experimental effort has reached critical mass? The NFL is attempting to answer that very question as the new season kicked off last weekend in the area of content delivery. Of course, most of us watched our favorite games on cable […]
Read More#140Conf
If you need any more proof that there’s something amazing happening on the Internet right now – with Twitter and real-time web, there’s no more proof than the “140 Characters Conference” concept. It’s about “The State of Now.” It was started by Jeff Pulver, a remarkable guy. He has been active on the Internet and […]
Read MoreYou Know More Than You Think
Sometimes, all the digital talk filled with "experts" telling you what's what and what's new can be a confusing mass of conflicting, confusing information. Coming from the simplicity of radio, new brands, new technologies, new advertising platforms, and new gadgets can be overwhelming. But I'm here to tell you that your radio background has prepared […]
Read MoreGoing Public
I’m sure Jeff Smulyan was nodding his head in agreement when he read Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s opinion on taking his social media behemoth public. While none of us should worry about Zuckerberg’s financial future, the recognition that risk taking and going public may not be actions that co-exist well is interesting. (Although it sure doesn’t […]
Read MoreLists
We love lists. Many people used to look forward to Mr. Blackwell’s famous list of “The 10 Worst Dressed Women” which he started in 1960. Alas, Mr. Blackwell passed away a couple years ago, and his famous sartorial list went with him. But one of my favorite hierarchies is the annual “Beloit College Mindset List,” […]
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