This has been an exciting comeback year for radio. Counted out by many media pundits, the economic turnaround has signaled recovery for many radio broadcasters, big and small. In radio, change is in the air. Bob Pittman’s return to radio is perceived by many as a positive step for the medium. A deal on performance […]
Read MoreSocially Awkward
We have spent considerable time and effort in the past few years going to school about social media, and seeking out some of the best and brightest minds to help us navigate these waters. We were fortunate to meet Greg Verdino, social media expert and author of microMarketing last summer – a smart guy with […]
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving!!
We hope you and your family have a wonderful, safe and Happy Thanksgiving holiday! JacoBlog will return on Monday, November 29.
Read MoreThe iPogo?
You know you’ve made the big time when your best stuff gets parodied – especially by the Sesame Street crew. Have a great holiday weekend. >EMAIL RECIPIENTS: CLICK HERE TO VIEW SESAME STREET VIDEO<
Read MoreThe Curse Of Harry Crane
What’s it like to be a little early on a major trend, only to be ignored and marginalized by the supposedly smart people you work for? That’s the case for one of the characters on Mad Men, Harry Crane. He’s the head of the television division at the fictitious ad agency on the show set […]
Read MoreNo Alternative
Alternative radio is having one of those best of times/worst of times experiences this year. On the one hand, PPM numbers in many markets are outstanding. Of course, KROQ rules, but that’s nothing new. X96 in Salt Lake City and The Buzz in Houston are two wonderful stories about how Alternative radio is dominating two […]
Read MoreInspector Gadget
The Consumer Electronics Association recently released a timely study that predicts the hottest holiday gifts – and no surprise, it points to electronics and gadgets. Their 17th annual Holiday Purchase Patterns study comprised of 1,000+ adults indicates that one-third of all shoppers will make a consumer electronics purchase during the holiday season, averaging $232. […]
Read MoreIt’s A Man’s World
James Brown may have had it right…in 1966. And if you watch any episode of AMC’s Mad Men, there’s no question about who ruled in the world of business in the 60's. But as has been the case for the last couple of decades (at least), women are the most sought-after demographic by advertisers. And […]
Read MoreReaching The Summit
Maybe I should warn you upfront – this is a longer post than usual today. That's becasuse I have a lot of wonderful content to tell you about. It is hard to believe we have put the final touches on our 15th Summit. Since 1995, when they were originally billed as “Alternative Summits,” Jacobs Media […]
Read MoreI Feel Fine
Apple – Steve Jobs' company not the record label – made a powerful statement today. By promising "a day you'll never forget," Apple made a major promise. And they delivered. And they did it with style. As Lee Abrams wrote me this afternoon, "Apple has nailed what most radio, print and TV just can't quite […]
Read MoreAll You Need Is Like
In yesterday’s post, we took a look at a Vitrue study that examined the days and times that Facebook users are most likely to comment and respond. Today, the focus is on developing a better understanding of how and why Facebook users engage with brands – like radio stations. Email marketing company ExactTarget studied 1,500 […]
Read MoreAll Facebook, Some of the Time
More and more, station staff meetings and jock meetings have become wall-to-wall discussions about Facebook… and Twitter. And how best to integrate social media with radio station messaging and content. Too often, there’s desire to connect with social media, but the lack of a strategy to make sense of it all. “How can we make […]
Read MoreYou and Your Smartphone
In “Goin’ Mobile,” the ethnographic study about smartphones that we put together with Arbitron, we got a great deal of feedback about how consumers feel about their mobile gadgets. An interesting sidebar is the way in which specific smartphones make them feel – about themselves and others. To a great degree, smartphones make more than […]
Read MoreWOMen
While we always talk about the power of social media, the reality is that “Word of Mouth” (WOM) is the secret sauce of recommendation. Especially for WOMen. A new study of 2,000 women by Harbinger confirms it. Women are three times more likely to share opinions with relatives and friends than they are to go […]
Read MoreTeam Coco
Consider these comments in a recent New York Times article that describe a popular media personality and his new show: “It will be a hit with advertisers initially because of the familiarity they have with ______.” – Brad Adgate, SVP for Research, Horizon Media in NYC “We know ______ has a passionate following, and we […]
Read MoreGoing Places
I know, I know – if I write one more post about coupons you’re going to “unsubscribe” to this blog. But couponing and discounts are all the rage, thanks to this sputtering economy and perhaps a changing American mindset about the value of saving money. Many stations have launched adequate and even successful couponing programs, […]
Read MoreChristmas In September?
Relax. No one actually went all-Christmas music in September. (But I’m sure there are a lot of radio stations that would have liked to have started spinning Bing Crosby during that month.) No, it was celebration time in September in smartphone land. comScore MobiLens reports that U.S. smartphone owners jumped a whopping 15% between June […]
Read MoreA Big Fat Zero
Way back when in a year that I won't admit to, I was in elementary school, and was suffering from the rantings of Miss Ackles, my science teacher. When she got all in a puff over our bad performance, she'd threaten us with "A big fat ZERO." I thought of her when I read a […]
Read MoreKnick Knacks
It was no surprise last week when Pandora announced it will be loaded in the new NOOKColor, so you can now read and listen to music at the same time. This comes on the heels of Pandora making a series of announcements about how their Internet radio station is becoming rapidly available in more and […]
Read MoreHocus Pocus Focus
Jacobs Media clients know that we are strong proponents of using Listener Advisory Board groups throughout the course of a year. These are focus group-style sessions, typically held in the station conference room. They are often less expensive versions of the real thing, and yet, they can yield so much more. For small incentives (or […]
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