Welcome to the newest incarnation of the jacoBLOG. We’ve spent a good amount of time taking your feedback, watching usage patterns and simply observing the trends we report on here, and have given the blog a major facelift.
We think this new platform will make it easier to continue our dialogue as well as increase the ease of sharing, and frankly just more fun and pleasant to read. You’ll notice we’re also tracking our conversations in Twitter and on Facebook as well. There’s also a blogroll that contains some of our favorite people and rabble-rousers. If we missed any obvious ones, please let us know.
We welcome your feedback and comments – on design, functionality and day-to-day content.
Thanks as always for making us part of your daily information intake.
Congrats on the facelift….. The clean design is much easier on the eyes!
Thanks, Dan. Tim Davis is the guy who redesigned the site. He will appreciate those comments. Thanks!