Our founder, Fred Jacobs, offers insights into the latest trends in broadcasting and digital media.

“Living and Dying In 3/4 Time”
This time around, I’d like to welcome Saga Norfolk’s President/GM Dave Paulus for a guest blog: OK, so being the resident parrothead of the Hampton Roads area, I can usually find any meaning to any Jimmy Buffett song title. Today, however…I’ve got a good one. Look, I write a MAJOR check to Arbitron every month, […]
Read MorePromo Strategy
You have to give ABC a great deal of credit for turning around their prime time fortune last season. With big hits like "Desperate Housewives" and "Lost," ABC resurrected the network. How did they do it? Much of the credit goes to their on-air promos, and the strategies they employed to schedule them. First, they […]
Today, I’m very pleased to bring you a guest blog from Larry Rosin, President of Edison Media Research: The other day I was driving my wife’s car when my six-year-old, who is working on her reading, asked me: “Dad is this song by a group called ‘HOOBASTA’?” As you might imagine, I was briefly puzzled […]
Read MoreRadio's Values Deficit
Today’s guest blog is from Paul Jacobs: Here’s how I spent my weekend: on Saturday, I read an article in the LA Times that asked the question: "Does Radio Have A Future?". Sunday morning, the lead story in the "Week In Review" section of the NY TImes attempted to answer the question in an article […]
Read MoreRadio’s Values Deficit
Today’s guest blog is from Paul Jacobs: Here’s how I spent my weekend: on Saturday, I read an article in the LA Times that asked the question: "Does Radio Have A Future?". Sunday morning, the lead story in the "Week In Review" section of the NY TImes attempted to answer the question in an article […]
Read MoreGreetings From Israel
I’m gone a lousy week and look what happens. A payola scandal has rocked radio, further tarnishing radio’s already black and blue image. I cannot tell you how many times focus group and L.A.B. respondents ask whether it’s some form of law or deal with record companies that stations only can play one single from […]
Read MoreRadio=Detroit
Today we’ve got another guest blog from Paul Jacobs: Are there parallels between what’s going on in the domestic automobile industry and radio? An article in last Sunday’s New York Times chides Detroit for its inability to respond to changing consumer demand, primarily in the area of new technology in the form of hybrid vehicles. […]
Read MoreGuest Blog: The Dreaded Triple S
We’re joined for another guest blog today. This time around I’d like to welcome Steve Goldstein, Executive VP for Saga Communications has some thoughts on an interesting predicament: All of the press these days is devoted to new technology taking listeners from terrestrial radio to Ipods, Satellite and internet audio, and the theme is clear: […]
Read MoreGuest Blog: Meet The Podcast
Another guest blog today, and once again, I’m glad to have Jacobs Media’s Dave Beasing join in to share some observations: Just prior to delivering his trademark, "If it’s Sunday, it’s Meet the Press," closing line this week, NBC’s Tim Russert offered new information about how to receive a podcast the program. That means that, […]
Read MoreGuest Blog: Today Show Lessons
Before my trip to Israel, I sent out a call to some friends to help out with the blog during my travels. Happily, I’ve had a good deal of response and am excited to share some postings over the coming days from guest contributors. To kick things off, I’d like to Welcome Buzz Knight of […]
Read MoreConclave Conclusions
Paul Jacobs and Tim Davis went to the 30th annual Conclave seminar last week. Both headed out to present on panels, but they also both came back with some interesting observations: We hit the 30th annual Conclave seminar by participating in the sessions. Here are some of our observations from the event: 1. There are […]
Read MoreCell Phonology
Thanks to Steve Goldstein for bringing an article in the Arizona Republic to our attention. They report about a new Federal study that shows that cell phones have passed standard land lines in both Arizona and the rest of the U.S. The article notes that Quest Communications lost more than 1 million land line subscribers […]
Read MoreDumb & Dumber
And we wonder why radio has a PR problem? It’s not just that XM and Sirius are doing a great job. Terrestrial radio continues to shoot itself in the foot. Case in point is a story from a few weeks back about WLTO in Lexington, KY. According to the news story, a DJ offered “100 […]
Read MoreThe Conclave
Glad to post a guest blog today from Paul Jacobs: This week, one of the best things about radio will be taking place in Minneapolis – the 30th Conclave. As someone who knows what it takes to put on a substantive event (shameless plug for The Jacobs Media Summit), we truly admire how this industry […]
Read MoreMike Veeck Speaks
One of the brightest promotion guys out there doesn’t work in radio, but certainly "gets" how to generate buzz. Son of legendary baseball owner and showman, Bill Veeck, Mike is the brains behind some of the wildest promotions that take place between innings of major and minor league games. Remember the "Disco Demolition?" That was […]
Read MoreWho Said That?
Here’s a little quiz about the media business: Who recently made this statement: "The age of the conglomerate is over." While it might seem like something that Michael Moore or Ralph Nader might say, the quote’s author is none other than Viacom chief, Sumner Redstone. Of couse, he was making the statement to explain/justify his […]
Read MoreThe Big Apple
Apple’s new quarterly earnings report surprised many on Wall Street, as 6.1 million iPods were sold – a 16% increase quarter to quarter. Compared to a one year ago, iPods sales leapt 343%. Jacobs Media clients couldn’t have been surprised. Our Tech Web Poll (conducted in late March/early April) indicated that 36% of those who […]
Read MoreLiar Liar
Seth Godin’s latest book, "All Marketers Are Liars," is out and fits in nicely with his previous writings. While nowhere near as strong as "Permission Marketing" or "Purple Cow," Godin’s key message is that your product/brand has to give consumers a story – something positive and desirable they can believe, carry with them, and communicate […]
Read MoreInterviewing Brick Walls
A Rocker DJ friend of mind (who would prefer to remain anonymous for reasons you’ll figure out shortly) told me about a great article in the June edition of "O" (Oprah’s magazine). It’s called "How To Interview a Brick Wall," based on a conversation with New York Times contributor, Seth Kugel. A few of Kugel’s […]
Read MorePodcasting Redux
We’ve talked a lot in this space about how podcasting – audio on-demand for mp3 players (or just making radio segments available for download) – is a great avenue for terrestrial radio to follow. While so many new technologies (think satellite radio) either exclude us or attempt to outdo us, podcasting utilizes radio’s natural asset […]
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