Our founder, Fred Jacobs, offers insights into the latest trends in broadcasting and digital media.

A Promotion So Good, You CAN'T Steal It
Last week in Detroit, it was all about the "Woodward Dream Cruise," an event that is now in its 11th year, and growing. Interestingly, the "Cruise" developed organically, based on the teenagers who started cruising up and down Woodward Avenue in the ’50s. Today, thousands of classic cars rush to Detroit every August to take […]
Read MoreCharacters Welcome
USA Network has recently started a campaign called "Characters Welcome." It’s fairly low key, as far as promotional campaigns go. It never spells out exactly what it wants you to think, but shows that "characters" are what make the shows hits (and USA actually has three shows that could be considered cable breakouts: "Monk," "Dead […]
Something really interesting happened this morning. USA Today actually wrote a positive article about the promising digital potential for terrestrial radio. The two shining examples quoted in the article – Greater Media and NPR – are both Jacobs Media clients, and we salute them both for taking bold digital steps. Hopefully, this is the start […]
Read MoreIntelligent Design
Sitting here in Detroit, Michigan, you can make yourself crazy wondering whether the Big 3 automakers will ever figure it out. And when I think that while in Israel, I saw exactly 5 American made vehicles the entire time we were there, it’s downright scary. What can possibly overcome perceptions (and of course, in some […]
Read MoreWhat A Concept
On my desk this afternoon is a copy of a neat little book (actually it’s the "advance uncorrected proof") called "The Big Moo." It was sent to me by our good friends, Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba (authors of "Customer Evangelism"). Edited by Seth Godin, it’s a compilation of articles and stories by some of […]
Read MoreThe Web Community
We have talked a lot in this space about how radio needs to get serious about its Web sites. Yes, there’s money to be made (have you checked out Internet advertising revenues lately?). But more importantly, a great, vital web site is a wonderful way to generate even more loyalty to your station. A couple […]
Read MoreStop Voicetracking – Postscript
An addendum to our blog last week exhorting radio operators to cease voicetracking, and begin to use nights and overnights for talent development, as word comes that Adam Carolla may indeed be replacing Howard Stern in a number of markets. Here is yet another case where late night TV will spawn another burgeoning talent. Besides […]
Read MoreWhat the hell do THEY know?
If you’ve sat behind the mirror in radio focus groups over the past few years, you’ve heard some of the interesting musings from listeners about why stations play the music they play. Like a lot of anecdotal information, much of their observations are gathered from tidbits they’re read in articles, talking with friends, or simply […]
Read MoreNeoPR
We have used this blog space in the past to talk about NPR, an organization that is enjoying a multi-year growth spurt, while commercial radio declines. How does NPR do it, without the benefit of contests, marketing, and shock jocks? They’ve accomplished their amazing ascension with great content, values, and by integrating their loyal and […]
Read MoreGeneration X Turns 40
Paul Jacobs jumps back in today for some thoughts on advertising – and how it impacts radio: It’s hard to tell whether it’s a big deal or someone representing Generation X has hired a PR firm, but this past Sunday, articles appeared in the New York Times and our local paper touting the fact that […]
Read MoreCostco Rocks
I definitely have a big store phobia. Then again, shopping with me under any circumstances is never a joy. Except for Costco. I just love the place, and always end up buying more stuff than intended. I’m not alone. Most people love the place – except for Wall Street, that is. That’s because Costco’s pay […]
Read MoreStop Voicetracking!
There, I’ve said it. Two simple words that could change our business for the better. Of all the cost-savings gleaned from consolidation, this is the most insidious, damaging, and short-sighted policy that has strangled our industry over the past decade. The political landscape has taught us a great deal about words and phrases that influence […]
Read MoreGuest Blog: Programming Myopia
Today I’m glad to bring in a local pinch-hitter, Tom Bender, Regional Manager and Sr. VP for Greater Media Detroit: If I hear the term "outside the box" one more time, I think I’ll go nuts. Someone is always encouraging managers and programmers to think outside it, yet managers are intensely uncomfortable with the results. […]
Read MoreGuest Blog: By The Numbers
Today, I’m pleased to welcome Arbitron’s Vice President for Domestic Research, Dr. Ed Cohen, for an exciting guest blog: It’s a general perception that research geeks don’t write exciting stuff. Then again, that may be just perception, but if you’re the typical radio person reading this, you’re probably thinking something like “he’s going to defend […]
Read MoreGuest Blog: It's About Time…
Today we’ve got Jacobs Media’s Tim Davis joining us for a guest blog with some technology news: Somebody in the new technology space has finally recognized the value of radio. While there have been a number of failed starts to date, it looks like finally there will be an FM receiver that works like a […]
Read MoreGuest Blog: It’s About Time…
Today we’ve got Jacobs Media’s Tim Davis joining us for a guest blog with some technology news: Somebody in the new technology space has finally recognized the value of radio. While there have been a number of failed starts to date, it looks like finally there will be an FM receiver that works like a […]
Read MoreGuest Blog: Nobody Really Wants Variety
Today we’re joined for a guest blog from Mark Ramsey, founder & President of Mercury Radio Research (and an accomplished blogger in his own right): The momentum (such as it is) behind HD Radio is driven in part by a magnificent lie: Listeners want more choice. They may say they do. But no, they don’t. […]
Read MoreAlternative's Death Greatly Exaggerated
Dave Beasing joins us for another guest blog: If I try to list all the Alternative stations that saw ratings increases, I will inevitably offend someone by leaving them out. Suffice it to say that the Alternative Honor Roll is lengthy this Spring. Some stations (like KROX/Austin, KCXX/Riverside, KEDJ/Phoenix — woops, I wasn’t going to […]
Read MorePR Please
I’m back for today, we’ll have more guest blogs coming up next week, with some more very interesting folks contributing. So I read a review of the new Hyundai Sonata in USA Today a week or two ago. As the article wraps up, columnist James R. Healy makes the following observation: "And, of course, the […]
Read More"Living and Dying In 3/4 Time"
This time around, I’d like to welcome Saga Norfolk’s President/GM Dave Paulus for a guest blog: OK, so being the resident parrothead of the Hampton Roads area, I can usually find any meaning to any Jimmy Buffett song title. Today, however…I’ve got a good one. Look, I write a MAJOR check to Arbitron every month, […]
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